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Sebastian didn't know where he was going or why. Mind muddled in nonsense a desperation for something. Despite what he saw what he was told he wanted this all to be a dream, a nightmare he could wake up from. Maybe he was in a coma and his body was lying back home, waiting to be comforted by sweet coos or the warm embrace of someone.

Maybe that's why he kept coming back here, coming back to the lab, destroyed and broken, yet still home. Everything was still recognizable despite the shattered glass, the toppled chairs and medical beds. The couch flipped over, he tried to lift it up, but it was heavy so instead he kicked it.

All there was, was this frustration, frustration into a sad anger. He wanted so bad to know the whys, the whats, the how he was so mad at Erick.

Yet also mad at himself.

He knew something was wrong, he saw the signs... Why didn't he connect the dots? Recalling what he remembered, the times Erick said he was fine when he was so definitely not. Did he try to protect him? If so, it was pointless they found him anyway.

There wasn't anything he could do and, in his desperation, to vent his feelings he did what he usually did.


Cry and yell at the world.

Why was it always him? Why did he always have to suffer? Why does everyone he love die or was destroyed by him?

In his crying, his anger he didn't realize that it drew the attention of the thing he was told to get away from. The slow trudging of a beast he didn't care about anymore, there was nothing he could do. There was nothing that could be done.

Staring at the beast that stood atop him now, dripping in a large mass of sludge, all Sebastian could do was yell to it, yell and sob to it, the only thing left of him.

"Erick... why... why were you so stupid to give yourself up for me?! Why... why did you have to go and leave me here?!" He yelled as he clutched the beast with what grip there was to give.

"You're not here anymore... what's left to stop me from going... there's nothing here worth living without you..."

Death was all Sebastian ever wanted from the beginning, the one thing he felt was the way to end his suffering and that of others. Tried as he might to make the man kill him, he always consoled and stopped him, always found a way to save him and help him keep going.

So, what a funny thing it was when the man who helped you live, would be the one to end you without knowing?

Thats what He thought at least, and as the maw, in his sadness, gaping open with no care to his emotion, no care, nothing left, his only way out.

It felt peaceful somehow, to know that soon the pain would all be over, that wishful thinking that maybe they'd be reunited somehow, Sebastian hoped that this was the right choice, but at the same time it no longer mattered to him, as the jaws of this beast engulfed him.

and everything went dark.

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