January 21, 2015

217 11 6

First thing, I'd like to say i'm sorry i'm not writing very much. I Haven't had much to talk about. I however would like to say that my theriotype has stopped acting aggressive, and calmed a bit more. I still don't exactly know what the problem was. I haven't been writing as much because I'm quite busy with school, in plus I've been working on a fan-fiction. (Don't judge hehe) I've been having a fine January so far, and I think my mother gets the idea that i'm a therian. She hasn't spoke to me about it though, so I'm guessing she will be excepting of me.

So valentines day is coming up, I try to stay away from it all together but my family is urging me to do something. That's fine if they'd like to spend valentines together but I'd much rather keep to myself around this time.

What do you do on valentines day (If you celebrate) not to pry to deep into your personal buisness.

Thank you 

Blessed be

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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