Oliver Thompson

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Nameよしくに まさと (Yoshikuni Masato)

Dub Name: Oliver Thompson

Age: 16

Birthday: 6 January

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Zodiac: Capricorn

Personality: He loves to read and tries to be nice to people even though it's sometimes really hard. But don't get on his wrong side or you will regret it.

Likes: singing, dancing, tennis, his friends, loyalty, a calm place, videogames, the colour dark blue, sweets and summer. 

Dislikes: golddiggers, a lot of meat, energetic people, the colour yellow, dumb people, people who tell him he's wrong, rules.

Group: The BP (The Boys Parade)

Instrument: Keyboard 

Hobby: Mountain biking

School: Silverleaf School

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor


Best Friends:

- Liam Carter

- Christof Lewis

- Jacob Young


- Jake Baker


- Scarlette Jones

- Mia Williams

- Chloe Edwards

- Lily Roberts

Siblings: Olivia (Oribia) (Female(16))

Cousins: /

Crush: /



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