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Michaels POV

My name is Michael and I'm a freak. I'm a creature known as a hybrid. I am called a freak of nature, I'm a particularly rare hybrid. I'm part dog you see I have very pointy ears and a really fluffy tail. I get bullied at school for always wearing a beanie and sweat pants. The only reason I do is because hybrids aren't really... accepted. We are frowned apon and taken away if we are found. There's actually a bunch of hybrids that go to my school but no one knows if you are one so we can't really hang out together. If I was found I would be taken to a facility and more than likely killed.

Luke's POV

I'm Luke... I am a reject. I just moved and I'm not looking forward to going to a new school. Especially not this one because I've heard there is alot of hybrids in this area and I can't be around those freaks of nature... What am I kidding I'm fucking gay I am a freak of nature.

"Honey! Get up your going to be late!" My mum Liz shouted from our kitchen. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and yawned. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up. My legs made a loud crack as I walked over to my closet. I scanned my closet in look of my familiar jumper. When I couldn't find it I let out a sigh. I turned to search my floor for my shirt. I looked under my bed and used my lanky arms to pull it out. I pulled the oversized jumper over my head and decided that it was to late to take a shower. I walked into my bathroom and took in my appearence. I  quickly took my brush and quiffed my hair since it was the first day I had to make a good impression. "Luke come on your not going to miss your bus!" My mum said more annoyed this time.

I walked down our driveway and I swear I thought I was going to die right then and there. It wasn't like a kindergartner going into school for the first time. I'm in high school and its the middle of the year how am I soppossed to fit in. I should be used to this my mom move a lot due to her job.

When the bus pulled up I quickly got on not wanting to hold everybody up. Of coarse all of the seats would be taken so I would have to sit with someone. I looked around and noticed almost everyone had a person sitting with them so I walked a little further. I seen one of the only boys without a person. So I walked over to him and asked if I could sit. He didn't answer and I noticed he had ear buds in. I pulled one out and asked again he nodded and I sat down.

Michaels POV

I woke up this morning and made my way to my bus stop as normal. When I got on the bus seemed rather loud so I was glad I brought my headphones. I reached my usual seat and sat. I put my ear buds in and pressed play on the new fallout boy album I bought yesterday. We stopped at what I thought to be the last stop and I shifted because I was sitting on my tail. One single boy got on and I was suprized considering I was usually the only one who got on alone. Then I seen that there were no more seats and he would have to sit next to me. I wasn't very mad about it because that boy was damn flawless...unlike me who has a tail and a pair of ears atop my head. He had lushous blond hair that stood about 2 inches above his head, and those eyes the beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in. He walked over and I pretended like I wasn't staring. He tapped on my shoulder and he asked if he could sit with me. I paused for a moment. He must have thought I didn't here him because even though I had paused my music he pulled out my right ear bud "hey do you think I could sit with you?" I slowly nodded and he took his seat next to me.

AN. So I decided on making a hybrid muke thingy and I'm kinda happy with it...I've been addicted to hybrid fix lately and I just had to write one. I'm going to try and update this every week or so but no promises. I don't think anyone will read it anyway. I can't write for shit so don't expect some amazing plot and twists and stuff. There may be a few but they might not be good. I hope you like it!

Huggies and kisses ~ConstantClifford

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