Chapter 1

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Time for lunch.I'm fucked. I caught a few guys staring at me when I walked into the cafeteria.
"Hey kid"  this guy with really big arms and a bandana on.omg its ash
"Uh-what do you w-want" my stuttering shocked me considering I had never had any speech problems.

"Why don't you sit with us?" Bandana dude said.....

"Because uh-" I glanced over to the kid I sat with on the bus. He was all alone in the very back.

"Awe are you gonna go sit with faggot over there? You know he never let's anyone in right?" Bandana guy said with a small smirk playing at his lips.

"Uh- yeah I was" I said with an unexpected serge of confidence.

"You know he's a freak of nature right? Hes gay first of all...and hes mute."

"so?" Oh crap I'm in trouble.

"What do you mean so? Are you a fag too? Huh? Kid your gonna get it!" As I ran I seen that oh so sexy red head look up at me.

"Fuck!!!" I heard something hit the ground as that jerk yelled.

I stopped running and glance back. The red head was on the ground with a bloody nose.shit.

Its your fault
No please not now
You shouldn't have sat with him
Please stop!!!
Your the reason he's hurt
Oh fuck please stop please!!!
Okay....but you hurt him...and I'll be back

I ran to bandana guy,and before I knew it I had him pinned up against the wall with my fingers clenched into a fist.

"What the fuck did you do?!?!" I spat in his face

"Nothing...." He said with a whimper....wait why is he submitting to me?

"What did you do?" I said more forcefully.

"I-i punched him" I lost fist connected with what I think was his nose.

I let him drop to the ground and went to look for the red head. His eyes were closed and he was breathing really heavily.

"Uh" oh fuck it I'm carrying him

AN ugh I feel like this is kind of was considering I wrote it while I was waiting for the therapist. I know this is bad but its my first fan fiction and I thought it would help if I at least tried it.... Im also sorry that i made ash a bitch....he'll get better i promise ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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