Part 2

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Mention of rape. If that subject makes you uncomfortable then stop reading this book. This chapter sets the story in place.

Betty's POV

As I am lying in the room Cheryl let me stay in for the night,  I hear footsteps.  I assumed that it was just Cheryl and Veronica coming to check on me so I act as if I am still asleep so I  can scare them.  I would later find out that it was not my BFF's.

When I hear the door open I hear 2 familiar voices.  Archie and Jughead.  When I hear their voices I get paralyzed in fear.  The next thing I know Archie is on top of me shirtless and in boxers covering my mouth so I can't scream and Jughead is naked and trying to undress me.  I feel Jughead put his member in my entrance and start thrusting.  I start to cry when Archie begins to kiss me and Jughead is still thrusting hard and fast.  After some time Archie and Jughead switch jobs and Archie is the one that has his member in me and Jughead is kissing me and I am still crying harder than ever before.

After a while, I give up on fighting.  I just wait for them to finish.  Soon enough the boys finish and Sweet Pea bursts through the door and started beating the crap out of Jughead and Archie.  I manage to get dressed while Archie and Jughead were still getting beaten senseless by Sweet Pea.  Once Archie and Jughead are unconscious, I run over to Sweet Pea and sob uncontrollably.  

Sweet Pea's POV

I get worried after 30 of Andrews and Jones upstairs alone where Betty is I get worried and go ask Betty's friends that she was talking to earlier where she was at.  When they told me my eyes got so wide and I got nervous.  "Oh no." I thought to myself.  I ran up the stairs as fast as I could.  

When I got to the room I kicked the door down and what I saw made my heart shatter.  I saw Betty lying on the bed in tears and Andrews and Jones chuckling and putting their shirts on.  I immediately run-up to the boys and beat the life out of them.  I look over and see Betty in tears, trying to get dressed.  I felt so sorry for her.  When the boys were fully unconscious I grab Betty and bring her downstairs.  

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