Chapter 12: I Am Here

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You slowly open your eyes as your vision tries to readjust itself back to normal. You were in a hospital bed, unsure of the time and the day. You moved your head to the right to see a doctor and a nurse documenting your vitals. As you slowly move your head to the left, you see Mr. Aizawa with Eri as she finished using her rewind quirk on you.

"What happened? What's going on? You spoke out as you start to elevate your upper body.

"Everything is alight now. You're safe." The doctor tried to calm you down.

"Where Katsuki," you shake your head as you looked around the room for him.

"Calm down," Mr. Aizawa stated. "He is back at the dorms just like everyone else."

"And the pro heroes?" You questioned

"Most of the heroes are fine. A few of them were in the hospital getting treated for their wounds." Mr. Aizawa further explained as he placed his hands on your shoulder.

 Aizawa further explained as he placed his hands on your shoulder

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"And why are you here? And Eri?" You looked back at them.

"You were in critical condition. Your outside appearance reverted to normal, according to Bakugo, but your insides were a complete wreck. Eri was able to use her quirk to rewind your body to its previous state."

"Wow, thank you, Eri! You saved my life," you smiled at the little girl.

After being discharged from the hospital, you have to go down to the police station

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After being discharged from the hospital, you have to go down to the police station. You were accompanied by Hawks to complete the paperwork from yesterday's raid.

"You did good, kid," as Hawk patted your back. "Maybe next time, don't go above and beyond."

"You got it, boss," you chucked at his corner jokes and comebacks.

"Kid, get some rest. We're going patrolling tomorrow morning. We have to show the people that you don't get knocked down so easily." You nodded your head with agree with him

"Hey Hawks, do you mind walking or flying back with me? It's kind of late, and I don't want to be alone right now." You asked passively.

"Sure. Why not. It is pretty late for a young lady to walk or 'fly' by herself now, is it?" Hawks put so much emphasis on fly by using air quotations.

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