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this is considered one of the most important aspects of shifting although it is NOT necessary contrary to popular belief.

scripting is like writing a fan fiction about yourself in your dr. your script can be as detailed or as generic as you want. 



these are some good questions to ask yourself when trying to script:

what is your dr like? is it from a book or a movie (ex: harry hotter, twlight etc.)? are you coming up with the dr on your own? when and where does your dr take place? who are you going to be? a student? a prince? a celebrity? what is your family like? are you rich? do you have any siblings?

starting to script:

(you dont have to do this! i just think it helps if you want a more organized script)

timeline- i recommend doing this before moving onto detailed scripts. youll pick out important events in your dr selfs life. if possible pick out exact dates and write a bullet point or two describing the event. here are some examples:

          2.15.04- my birthday, i am an only child. born in a hospital in england.

          may 2006-  my family moves out of our home town, Brighton, to Birmingham.

          september 2010- details, details, blah blah

          date- event, details, yup yup you get it

making a timeline is a great step towards creating an entire detailed script because you get a good idea of what you want to script and your dr selfs backstory.

character scripting: this is a specific character.

         can be a family member, a friend, enemy, crush, whoever you want.

         this isnt necessary but i highly recommend it.

         at least script yourself, closest friends, family members, enemies and crush.

scenario scripting: this is a good way to visualize what your dr.

          you can show a persons true identity by scripting about their reactions and actions. your scenarios dont have to be super detailed, i think the more the better but its your choice ofc :)

          scenarios are a good way to connect with your dr self and the people in your dr.

          make sure to stay in perspective


          (present tense) he walks over to me with his lunch and asks "hey, can i sit with you?"

           (past tense) when i was younger, i used to sit in front of the TV every morning watching my favorite cartoons.

when using scenario scripting you should only write short stories. if you plan on staying longer than three days, i dont recommend this type of shifting. although even if you are staying for a long period of type you can still script some scenarios that you would like to happen.

bullet point scripting: this method is definitely the easiest, but may not be as effective as the others. 

          write down some bullet points about things you want to do/happen in your dr.

          this type of scripting is most helpful when listing things that are different in your dr than your cr. 

examples: your dr selfs talents, hogwarts house, broad ideas

tips for scripting:

perfection doesnt exist. dont try to make your dr perfect. if you do youll never finish scripting. if everything in life was perfect it would just be flat out boring :).

you cant always be happy. dont get me wrong you can be happy but if you want your dr to feel as real as possible, youll let yourself feel every emotion. i know being sad isnt great, but bad things are bound to happen, thats what keeps life interesting.

remember that the people in your dr still have feelings. they arent dummies that you can just toy around with, they have feelings too.

woww that was a lot. if you have any questions feel free to ask. i have a seperate story that is a scripting template that you can use if needed ;)) happy shifting loves <33

*.+shifting guide+.*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora