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as a writer wanna be it's so funny how ONE single comment from a work you made ages ago or recently can spark your whole mood and inspire you to write again

let me get into detail

i first started writing when it was 2015 and it was so corny because it was about hugot quotes (tagalog ones) and oneshots + a book about mirstie lol the mitch grassi x kirsten whatever her last name is because i was such a huge ptx fan

anyway yeah my book though got alot of reads and it was so fulfilling to me because people are actually showing interests in my stories. to be frank i really was happy that my mirstie book "shiver" got like a thousand reads i really was proud of that but i deleted it anyways since it was cringey to me and the writing was ugly.

it was good experiment though!

to add i remember someone commenting that someone was copying my book lol it made me so mad so whoever that was until today fuck you for not having originality and copying my hardworked story which i really exert in effort to make

anyway thats not my point i think i'll just talk about that in the next chapters

so anyway, comments

when you're reading a book some author made please don't be a ghost writer and not comment! comments are so appreciated even when it's critical so it can be used for improvement

i used to yearn for appreciation from others that i wouldn't write or i would delete the story if i didn't get the attention but now that i just write because i want to it feels so so so much better getting a nice comment!

it makes me want to write more because i'm reminded that at least some people like my work, love it and laughed because of it, and i hope to create more works that hopefully more would love.

so in conclusion, comments are nice and supportive.

leave nice comments :)

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