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      I began Dragon Nymph in 2014 with very, very little experience writing anything of substantial length. Over the next nine months I managed to produce a 50,000 word draft about a young girl whose life is turned completely upside down and goes on to have a strange adventure full of dragons, mountains, valleys, strangers, lots of mud, and some rather disturbing creatures of my own invention: Skruls. How I came up with Skruls, I will never know. Unfortunately, for this first draft, Freya plods along rather passively, letting others make all the decisions for herself and taking it all in without so much as blinking. This won't do at all.

      Hence, a second/third draft, they've kind of melded into one at this point. This draft is currently being worked on and in it I am developing the characters of Freya and Obsideon and a while host of others who were really just... meh. Not only that, but I have been working on some major worldbuilding which has been so much fun and you can already see the effects of that in the synopsis, which, by the way, does not reflect what you are about to read.

      What you are going to read, is the first draft of Dragon Nymph, with some commentary from hindsight. Excluding the first chapter, all of the following chapters are from the first draft. I lost the first draft of chapter one in the last six years. Sad day.

      As I said, along the way I will provide commentary either at the end of the chapter, or throughout it. Whatever I fell like doing. By all means, please add your thoughts, suggestions, whatever, but please be courteous to myself, other readers, and the characters (they're quite sensitive sometimes).

The Kliana Empire Series: Dragon NymphWhere stories live. Discover now