4 ~ Her not so perfect plan part 1

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"I want you to be my boyfriend." I say boldly.

He looks at me with his face unmoving then he suddenly starts to burst with laughter as he holds his hand to his chest like he can't take it.

I narrow my eyes at him a little annoyed while crossing my arms. "What is so funny Ryder?"

He finally calms his laughter down and exhales a deep breath. "I told you I would date you. Not a full on relationship. Don't you know who I am? I don't do relationships. Never have and never will."

"Oh my god. It wouldn't be real. I just need you to be my fake boyfriend okay?"

"Sorry, but I have a reputation to uphold," he shrugs while stretching his limbs. I could see his muscles flex underneath his t shirt. I internally gulp and look away. Not wanting to get distracted.

I scoff and place my hands on my hips. "Weren't you the one who told me you wanted to help me get back at him not two minutes ago?"

"Yes. But-"

"Then common. You gotta help me." I pleaded with my eyes.

His face look conflicted. I could tell he was having an internal battle with himself. He then frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair before letting out a groan.


I smile with victory. "Thank you."

"But. You need to do something for me too," he says with a sly smirk that makes my smile drop.

"If you are thinking what I think that you are that is a big no!" I sputter out without thinking.

"What are you talking about?" He asks confusingly.

"I'm not sleeping with you," I say as a blush forms on my face.

A deep chuckle emits from his lips. "Don't flatter yourself doll. You are not my type." He says as he cocks his head to the side.

My mouth hangs open in shock at his statement. "Excuse me? What is wrong with me? Is my body not appealing?" I ask as I flip my hair and popping out my hip.

"No offense doll...but your personality is a huge turn off. Your too...what's the word...Bossy?"

I let out a groan. "Why you-"

"And I'm guessing that's a reason why your boyfriend left you," he says with a straight face.

I was frozen mid sentence. That definitely hit is nerve. He was right. I am bossy and that's why I lost Jeremy...

"You're right," I say defeated.

His eyes widen for a mere second shocked that I agreed with him. "Hey I never said that was a bad thing. Bossy people get things done. It's just not my think in bed...I like to be the dominant one," he says whispering the last part  leaning his head out of the car.

"Okay too much information." I say with a slight blush to my cheeks. Jeez can this guy stop making me blush for two seconds.

"Anyways you never answered my first question. What do you want me to do for you?" I ask again.

"I'll...tell you later. Do you have plans tomorrow?" He asks me.

"I have cheer practice tomorrow but-"

"Cancel them. I'll pick you up at noon and we can discuss our rules."

"I can't just skip cheer practice I'm the captain." I say like it's the most obvious thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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