Chapter-8 Part 2 (Warning violence ahead)

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It was easy to find the student council office, I asked around and someone named Janice the Vice President of the student council told me that Skylar is not yet there.
He most of the time arrives at school around ten in the morning if there's no problem or activities that need his concern.Ms. Janice told me that I could wait in the campus cafeteria and she will send out someone when Skylar arrives. I thank her for being kind and agreed to wait in there. It's already nine o'clock. My first subject will be at ten thirty, I only have half an hour to speak with him. I really hope he will arrive before ten so we can tackle everything but if not I should probably inquire for his number so i can ask him when is his free time to have a talk with me. My head feels a little bit heavy and my whole body is sore but I still persist in waiting. To pass the time I read my book tucked in my backpack. After twenty minutes a guy wearing thick eyeglasses and a jersey jacket picked me up saying Skylar arrived already. I sigh in relief that I can finally accomplish what I intended to do. I followed him but after five minutes I realized this is not the right place I remembered when I went to the student council.
" Hello? excuse me, i think we're going in the wrong place."
" No, this is the short cut just wait and see." i muttered oh' and did not argue anymore.We walk up the stairs until we reach the fourth floor. Beads of sweat already forming in my forehead and my back ache tremendously. If i remember it correctly the student council office is only on the third floor. I sense something is suspicious so i tap on my phone and send an sos and my location through the line app. Before I left the house I told Peggy that I'm meeting Skylar today. She said that if anything goes wrong I just need to do what I just did and she will be there to help me. The jersey guy turns his back to look at me and when he sees my phone he snatch it from my hand and smash it on the ground. My mind is in panic but I manage to look calm on the surface.
"What the hell was that for?" I scream mad staring at him. The dude's friendly looking face when he approached me in the cafeteria changed into that maniac look. I know I'm in trouble so I dash to him and knock him off the ground. Because it was sudden I caught him off guard. I run in the hallway screaming for help but it seems like the fourth floor is desolated. My body felt weak and my heart beat made me labored in breathing. The jersey guy caught up with me, he snatched my backpack with brute force and I stumbled back on the tile floor. It almost knocked me unconscious, I felt pain immerse in my butt and in my right elbow it was only then I realized my arm was dislocated and I couldn't move further.
" What wrong? scared now?" He looks like a psychopath with his messy blond hair and reddish green eyes. If I'm not mistaken, this person is into drugs. Why didn't I notice it before? yes! the thick eyeglass without it anyone can see through him. My body shivered in fear when he squatted next to me and grabbed my hair.
" You ruined my eye glasses, do you know Stella bought me that?." He grip my hair so hard that I can feel my scalp turn numb from pain.
" What do you want from me?" I asked trying to stay conscious, hoping Peggy will arrive soon.
" You offended my Stella and she asked me to give you a lesson for being ambitious."
" Your fucking insane! I don't know who Stella is, and how I offended her, let me go you freak! help!" I scream at the top of my lungs hoping someone can hear me and help me out.
" You bitch!" My head is muddled and black dots form in my view my jaw is hurting and I taste the metallic blood inside my mouth.
" Stay away from Skylar Alois or next time you will be dead." He spat at my face and finally let me go. My body crunch on the ground i don't know anymore for how long. My labored breathing seems like echoing in the empty hallway. My eyelid felt too heavy to open it so I decided to just close my eyes. Maybe when I woke up everything that happened to me was just a horrible dream. I hugged myself in a ball feeling the coldness of the tiled floor seeping to my bone. I heard a few footsteps rushing towards me but I felt my word come to a stop.


After parking my car I received a phone call from Peggy. Amused I picked it up knowing the woman never calls if it's not about business. Peggy's Mother is my mother's childhood best friend. Most of the rare gems in my mother's collection came from the Gibs Jewelry shop.
" Yo,what a surprise, why call so early?"
" Where the fuck are you?! what did you do to Amethyst?!" My brows furrowed confused.
" Care to clarify your words? I just arrived still in the parking area. I haven't met Ami. What's wrong Peggy?" I suddenly felt unsettled. I walked faster while waiting for Peggy's answer.
"Meet me in the building D her location shows she's in that building."
"Fine! i'm almost there." I dash on the corner and bump into somebody.I recognised Sean from the football team. When he recognised me he even ran faster. In normal circumstances I'd probably beat him into pulp. But my main concern now is the safety of Ami. Just in time Peggy arrived and we both agreed to go separate floors. I kick every classroom door when I see the hall is empty. We did it until we reached the fourth floor and saw fragments of phone smash on the ground. My heart beat faster seeing this i didnt think anymore and ran towards the hallway. It was then I saw at the end of the corridor someone was on the ground. Even though I can't see her face, my mind screams that it is Ami. I rush to her side. I can't explain why my heart is throbbing painfully.I knelt on the ground and saw her swollen lips blood oozing on it and her right arm seems dislocated. I felt my world shattered into pieces. Peggy was about to touch her when I shouted.
"Dont touch her, we don't know what part of her body is hurt. We can't rush and put her more in harm's way." I called an ambulance and gave them our location. They asked how the patient was and told them what I saw after hearing what I said they told me not to touch her body. After I'm done I call for my personal assistance.
" Master, what can i do for you?"
"Jack, I need you to access the surveillance camera at the campus building D. Anyone who entered this place around nine thirty is subject for interrogation also check Sean from the football team. He seems suspicious and my main suspect."
" I'm on it now." I cut off the line and stared back to Ami. Even if she passes out, she still looks so much in pain that I can feel it also. I bowl my hand into fist not caring if my phone is crushed by how hard I try to control myself and remain calm. I find it hard especially seeing Ami unconscious.
"What the hell did happen here? What have you done Sky?" Peggy's scrutinizing gaze fell on me.
" I swear i didn't do anything, You know me, i won't stoop in this lowly act. I only told her last monday to meet me today at the student council office."
" Yes, she said she will meet you today but I received an sos and her location. When I tried to call her, her phone was out of reach."
" Rest assured I will resolve this matter and I won't let this off . Whoever did this will pay ten times what they did to Ami."
" Hmp! you better should or else this matter will reach Aunt Valery." She threatened
" Even if you don't say a word Jack already hacked the surveillance camera here. My Mother knows I'm the only one in this city that is capable of doing that." Peggy didn't answer me anymore; we just both sat on the ground on each side of Ami in silence.

Hi everyone,
I would like to thank each one of you for giving this book a chance. Your comments makes me smile and inspired me more to make this book fun and exciting. I hope i wont dissapoint you.
Thank you once again and have a great day.
With Grace,
(Sea of Bitterness)

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