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Hey guys!I am soo excited like we have all the participants we need!I want to ask you to read the books of your fellow participants if you haven't till now and then PM me the rating out of 10.Judging begins today!

I was also thinking about making a few changes in the judging criteria, since most of the participants are in the deep and meaningful poetry category, I was thinking that we could give more weight-age to the content rather than the titles or the presentation.

The new judging criteria [ ONLY FOR DEEP AND MEANINGFUL POETRY CATEGORY ] is something like this:

Title and its relevance - 1

Language , grammar , punctuation - 2

Cover - 1

Originality - 2

Content - 4

Total - 10

The judging criteria for Young Adult Poetry is the same as the one before!

Will that be alright with everyone?

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