Young Adult Poetry Winner

37 5 5

Scribbles by  Starlight1807


Title and its relevance to the story - 2/2

I loved the title! I think that it was an apt choice and relates to the poems beautifully!

Language - 2/2

Here were some lines that I thought , were amazing:

" For me, home is you"

" I get lost in the world of fiction, and now it has become an addiction"

" I don't know how these years flew by , but I'll never say adios or goodbye! "

" Blossoming under the light of love"

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling - 2/2

Cover - 1/2

To be honest, I thought that though the cover is cute, it could have been a bit more related to the title or the poems. (Just something for you to think on!)

Originality - 2/2

I loved your book! The rhyme schemes were really captivating. The poems themselves were short and sweet but meaningful and relatable! I have to say that my favourite was "Into A Book". Keep writing and you might want to try your hand at poems that don't rhyme. (Just a thought!)

P.S. Your sticker is available in the media box you can use that or you can PM me your email address so I can send it to you. Also I will PM you the interview questions which you will have to answer before the 30th of November 2020.

P.P.S. For all the other participants, you will have to be patient for your result. There are a lot of participants so it will take time for me to judge, but I am hoping to declare the result before the end of November. Thanks!

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