Confessions of a Lost Soul #3

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The magic of a story is the places it brings you, filled with colour and texture, laughter and tears, love and life. Able to make you experience the familiar, the new.
The things you'd rather stayed buried.

The truth of a story, is the secrets dragged from Jones' Locker. Wrapped in illusions of being another.
An escape from pain.

The magic of a story, is being able to explore cities, countries, worlds, eras that are otherwise unreachable.
Places to hide.

The truth of a story, is a reaching hand grasping for a rope, a ladder.
A bleeding soul.

The magic of a story, is the emotions. The connections.
The light in the dark.

The truth of the story, is opening the chest. Breaking the chains and locks and ivy that keep it hidden.
A figure huddled.

The magic of a story, is the shout of relief. Of pain. Of happiness.
Relieving the weight; standing tall.

The truth of a story, is reaching down, seizing shoulders and hauling.
Tears finally cried.

The magic of a story, is the truth.

"Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity." - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

"Create those things where human protagonists relate to us, where the stakes and conflict grip us, and where the emotions move us. Craft those simple things, those glorious things, those things so often forgotten but so desperately needed. There's no hidden or corporate meaning behind the word 'story.' We know what they are. And we need to start telling them." - Jay Acunzo

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