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Kendra and her friends had been tirelessly fighting off the dragons, and after a long battle and Warren breaking an arm, they had won with the help of the sanctuary dragon slayer. Kendra was worried about Seth, he had just disappeared! She knew he would find a way he always did! He had to! Kendra did not realize she was sobbing until Vanessa commented on the sounds. After loosing her sense of sight a few hours back Vanessa had been using her other senses to interact. "Kendra, are you ok?" Vanessa asked sincerely. "I'm fine, I'm.... ju....ju...just worried." Kendra managed through sobs. "Hey Kendra Seth is going to be ok." Warren told her softly. " Its not just Seth! It's Bracken and...and what about Vanessa! She needs her sight! "Kendr..." Vanessa started before Kendra cut her off "NO!! I'm tired of people telling me it is going to be ok! Because it's not! No matter what we do we will always have this terrible, terrifying, unforgiving life!" Kendra snapped. She soon realized that she had blown up when everyone but Vanessa was staring at her. "I'm sorry guys I just..I just can't stand it anymore." Kendra apologized sadly. " We know how you feel Kendra, and we will help you in any possible way, we love you, and you have saved our butts so many times, we can never repay you." Warren proclaimed. Kendra sat in shock for a moment she had never heard Warren so serious! "Thank you." Where the only words she could find. "So where to captain?" Raxtus asked. "Is there any way to the fairy realm?" Kendra asked hopefully.

*hey guys so I know this is my first story but if you do read, thank you! Anyways I wanted to let everyone know that I will try to update at least twice a week. And also I wanted to say this is just a prediction that I have, and I do not own Fablehaven or DragonWatch. Thank you😅

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