meeting the team- hinata

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The first years of the team watch as Hinata quickly types on his phone, a small smile on his face. Kageyama leans over and glances at the phone screen before Hinata hides it from his view, glaring at the setter.

"Who're you texting?" Kageyama asks, ignoring the look Hinata is giving him and takes a bite of his lunch. The middle-blockers face flushes and he sets his phone down on the ground beside him, "I already told you, I'm texting my boyfriend!" He pouts, kicking his legs.

Tsukishima scoffs, "Oh, yeah, your totally real boyfriend." The blonde rolls his eyes before taking a sip of his drink, trying not to laugh at the offended look on Hinata's face as Yamaguchi snickers beside him.

"He is real! He just... goes to a different school." Hinata crosses his arms, getting quiet near the end of his sentence as he realizes how fake that sounds. The ginger lets out a huff as the other first years snort, not believing him at all.

Yamaguchi pats him on the back, "You know the team is hanging out this Saturday, if you ask Daichi-san he'll probably let you invite your boyfriend. If you want to prove that he's real." He smiles, taunting the shorter first year playfully.

Hinata grins at the idea, clenching his fist excitedly, "Yeah! I'll ask Daichi-san after practice." He declares and quickly eats his lunch.


"Daichi-san!" Hinata calls the third year who's getting his stuff from his locker, "Can I invite my boyfriend to our hangout this weekend?" The middle-blocker asks, seemingly vibrating from excitement.

Daichi chuckles at the first year, patting his shoulder, "Sure, Hinata. I'm sure all of us would like to meet this boy you talk about so much." The brunette smiles and narrows his eyes at the snickering first years behind Hinata.

The short middle-blocker pumps his fist, a wide grin stretched across his face as he bounces over to his own locker, pulling his phone out of his backpack and immediately texting the boy he cares for.

heyy ^-^ r u free this saturday??

hey puppy!! i have some errands to run before noon but im free most of the day (p^-^)p

do u wanna hangout with me + my volleyball team? they really wanna meet you 👉👈

are u sure?? i dont want to intrude >-<

of course!!!

ok!! i cant wait //^3^// <3

yay *:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*
i'll text u the details l8r >3<

Hinata turns his phone off and jumps around, flapping his hands with anticipation, oblivious to the confused looks his teammates are giving him. He grabs his backpack from his locker and swings it over his shoulder, sprinting out of the changing room with a smile, laughing at Kageyama shouting at him for running ahead.


The next Saturday, the team and the two managers are sitting on the gym floor in a circle, snacks and drinks in the middle with someones phone playing music softly. Hinata sits criss cross in between Kageyama and Sugawara, practically vibrating from nerves and excitement as Sugawara talks to the team about his week.

Sugawara glances at the short middle-blocker, trying to hold back a grin, he elbows the ginger, "Hey, Hinata, when's your boy supposed to be here?" The third year asks and smiles at the boy in question, patting his shoulder.

"Uhm, he said he had to do some chores, but he should be here soon!" Hinata grins at the setter, wringing the ends of his shorts in his clenched hands. Ennoshita furrows his brows, concern for his underclassman  evident on his face, "Are you alright, Hinata?" The brunette asks from across the circle.

Hinata flushes from the attention on him, "Yeah, I'm just a little nervous, I really want you guys to like him." The usually confidant first year says quietly, shrugging his shoulders. Asahi gives him a small smile from his place next to Nishinoya, "I'm sure all of us will love him." He encourages him softly.

A knock from the gym doors pull the teams attention from Hinata, to his relief. "Speak of the devil." Daichi says under his breath, smiling at the middle-blocker.

The door opens and a boy pokes his head into the gym, "Shoyou?" His voice is quiet. Hinata jumps up from the ground, bouncing over to the door and pulling the boy in.

"(Y/n)! I'm so happy you could come!" Hinata flaps his hands excitedly, leaning up to swing his arms around the taller boy, holding him close and pressing his face into the boys chest. He feels the (h/c) boy wrap his arms around his shoulders, squeezing him as he nuzzles into the shorter's orange hair.

Hinata feels the boy chuckle, the vibrations in his chest making the middle-blockers heart flutter. "Hey, puppy." (Y/n) says softly into the boys hair, Hinata tensing at the pet name as his face flushes from embarrassment.

Hinata whines into the boys chest, pulling away from the hug, cheeks bright red. He quickly turns away before grabbing the sleeve of the (h/c) boy. The boy follows behind the middle-blocker until they stop in front of the circle of teens.

"Hello, my name is (L/n) (F/n), it's nice to meet you all. I hope I'm not intruding." The boy steps beside Hinata and bows, his hand going out to the middle-blockers and intertwining their fingers.

"Not at all! I'm Sawamura Daichi, you can just call me Daichi. I'm the captain of the team, I'm glad you could make it," Daichi smiles warmly at the boy, "Hinata talks about you all the time."

(Y/n)'s face heats up at the statement, eyebrows raising in surprise, "Aww, really?" He brings his free hand up to rub the back of his neck, a shy smile on his face.

Hinata's face is bright red, his blush traveling down his neck and chest as he squeezes the (h/c) boys hand. The middle-blocker stays quiet as he sits down, pulling (Y/n) down next to him.

The team individually introduce themselves to the newcomer, and begin asking him questions.

"What school do you go to?" Sugawara asks with a gentle smile, watching Hinata bring the boy's hand into his lap, playing with his fingers. (Y/n) turns his head towards the silver haired setter, "I'm a first year at Shiratorizawa." The boy says softly, Hinata gazing at him with a proud look.

Tanaka snickers across the circle, "Isn't that the school Kageyama couldn't get into?" Daichi narrows his eyes at the second year and elbows him in the ribs.

Hinata turns to Kageyama, "Haha! My boyfriend is smarter than you!" He laughs at the raven haired boy's flushed face, "You didn't make it either, dumbass!" Kageyama barks at the middle-blocker, starting a useless argument between them.

"Shoyou, knock it off!" (Y/n) wraps his arm around the gingers shoulders, pulling the boy into his side and shoving a juice box in Hinata's face. Hinata sticks his tongue out at Kageyama before taking the drink offered to him and curling further into (Y/n)'s warm side, pulling his legs up to his chest and quietly sipping his juice.

A few hours pass, the team talking about anything that comes to mind and telling stories. Hinata, still tucked under his lovers arm, would occasionally add to the conversation or laugh at a joke said, but spent most of the time gazing up at (Y/n), happy he was getting along with his teammates.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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