See You Again

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Finally- the bell. Louis clumsily gathered all his random, scattered, disorganized papers and swiped them off the desk into his bag. He'd tidy it up eventually.


As he shuffled out the door, headed towards his locker, a chirpy, excruciatingly happy Eleanor popped up next to him.

"Hi, Louis!"

Louis groaned. He was exhausted, had so much homework, and wasn't in the mood to have a conversation. "What is it, Eleanor?"

Eleanor's face fell a little bit, but she resumed her upbeat posture quick enough.

"Liam Payne is handing out flyers and asked me to help him hand these out!" she said giddily. Louis sighed, arriving at his locker, and started fiddling with the combination.

"What is it?"

"He's gathering people for a band," she said incredulously. "I don't know if it will work, but I'm excited to be helping him out!"

"Wait, a band?" Louis turned to Eleanor, intrigued, and she handed him a flyer.

"They want four to six members. That includes Liam. Meaning, they will let up to five other people in. You should totally try out, I've heard your singing and it's quite good!"

"You've heard my singing??" Louis blushed. He wasn't good at handling compliments, and he didn't remember when he'd sang in front of everyone. He was quite self-conscious.

"Yeah, in music class in like... eighth grade, I think." Eleanor leaned against the locker. "I'm sure your voice has changed a lot, probably for the better."

"Oh... well... thanks," he turned and shoved the flyer into his bag, stuffing the rest of his books into his already-too-heavy book bag.

"On the flyer, it says where to meet to audition, and it's tomorrow at one o'clock, I believe," Eleanor shut his locker for him as they turned away. "I'll be there helping out Liam, so I really hope I see you there!" and with that, she skipped away.

How is she always so bubbly, he thought, glad to be done with that. I just can't keep up.

As he reached his car, he threw his stuff into the passenger seat and climbed in, starting the ignition, with the air conditioner on to cool him down. It was still really warm outside, even though it was technically autumn. He was about to drive away, when he glanced back at his bag. The flyer Eleanor had handed him was sticking out a bit, so instead of cramming it back in, he decided to take a closer look. It wasn't very fancy, just quick and simple, but it had all the necessary information on it. It had Liam's address on it, along with the times that they'd be there (1 pm-4 pm) and to bring any instrument you had if you could carry it. Louis shook his head: he couldn't play any instrument, and he honestly didn't like his voice, so there was no point.

But maybe he'd go anyway. Just to try something new.


There were so many people.

Louis was standing in the middle of Liam Payne's garage. Some had guitars, a couple had wind instruments like clarinets and flutes, only a few had brass instruments such as french horns and trumpets, and then there were some drums around the garage as well. Louis just stood in the middle of it all, confused and disoriented. Crowds always did that to him. He was just stock-still, glancing from person to person, when he heard a loud


This scared him so bad, he jumped a foot in the air. When he regained his composure, he looked around, only to see someone he recognized on the drum set. He went up to him to say hi, and also to get out of the center of the room.

Perfect |l.s.|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang