First Day of 9th Grade for BVB!

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One day, Andy woke up and he was getting ready for his first day of High School. He took a shower and got out.  He put his clothes on, and brushed his hair and he ate breakfast. He goes to school at 7:00 AM and it was 6:25 AM. When it was 6:50 he put his book bag on and got ready. His school was only 5 blocks away from his house and he also got his schedule to see his classes. And he heard that the rest of his friends, CC, Jake, Jinxx, Lonny, Juliet, Rhita and Inna are going to his school. And yesterday, Jinxx told him that his enemy, Ashley Purdy is going to be there. Andy was not happy at all and scared if he is going to class with him. Ashley is one of the biggest bullies and always thinks he is the prettiest man in the school.  He looked at his schedule and sees that he has, Ms. Larisa for reading.  After he sees his schedule, he sees Jinxx and walks up to him and asks, "Hey Jinxx, who do you have for reading? I have Ms. Larisa." Jinxx sees his paper and looks up to Andy, "Oh I don't have her, I have Mrs. Coster. Earlier I asks CC the same question as you and he had Mrs. Coster too. So does Inna she told me." 

"Oh okay." Says Andy and asks Jinxx "Do you know where Ashley is going too for reading?" "Oh, I don't know. I don't talk to him cause he's mean" said Jinxx "Oh it's fine just asking. I hope he's NOT in my class cause he is going to pick on me all day. Also talk to you later I need to go to class." said Andy and walks to his class. "Okay bye!" said Jinxx and went to class. When Andy went to class in Ms. Larisa's room, he saw Lonny and Jake in the classroom but not Ashley. "Hey Lonny and Jake!" Andy said to them "Oh hey Andy what's up?" "Hey!!" said Lonny and Jake. "I'm doing good!! Thank you for asking. Also about Ashley, what class is he in for reading? Cause I asked Jinxx and he didn't know." said Andy. "Oh, I don't know either. Hope he's not in this class. Jake do you know where Ashley's reading class is?" asks Lonny. "No I don't either. But same hope he's not in here. He'll bully all of us!!" said Jake. "Yeah!! Agreed!!" said Andy. "Everyone!!" yelled Ms. Larisa "Settle down!! Take a seat, we don't have any assigned seats yet until next week. So seat wherever you like to sit!!"  Andy, Jake and Lonny all sit next to each other.  Ms. Larisa was taking attendance to the whole class. 

Later, Juliet and Rhita were in Miss. Grande's class. Miss. Grande was giving the students seats for the class. Juliet was assigned to her seat but there was a blank seat. "Hey everyone! My name is Miss. Grande. I'm gonna be your reading teacher for the rest of the year!" Then there was a knock on the door. Miss. Grande opens it and it was, ASHLEY PURDY. The bully. "Sorry I'm late. I forgot my supplies for class." said Ashley. "Oh it's fine." said Miss. Grande "I'm Miss. Grande, your reading teacher." Juliet sees Ashley and gets a little scared but she tries to act normal. "So where should I sit?" asks Ashley. "Hmmmm. There's an open seat next to the girl  with the short blonde hair with bangs. You can sit there!" said Miss. Grande. Juliet was flabbergasted she really wants to tell Miss. Grande that she doesn't like him but she was very speechless and she tried to act normal. Ashley goes to sit down to his seat, and sees Juliet and says, "Oh, look who it is, if it isn't Juliet Simms the ugly girl." Juliet rolls her eyes, "Ugh, leave me alone Ashley!" Ashley ignores her and looks away from Juliet and looks at Miss. Grande. Miss. Grande was taking attendance. Juliet is still scared of Ashley. Ashley looks at her again and gives her a nasty mean look.  Juliet sticks her tongue out to Ashley. Miss. Grande sees this and asks, "Um.... Juliet.... Ashley?" "Yes" they both said, "Is everything okay there? I see your guys are just making rude looks at each other." said Miss. Grande. "Uhhhhh..... yeah we're just playing." said Ashley. Juliet looks at Ashley so angry and tries to stay calm. "Okay. Just checking" said Miss. Grande and goes back doing attendance. Ashley looks at Juliet and gives her a smirk. Juliet ignores him.

With Miss. Grande's and Miss. Larisa's class still going, Mrs. Coster's class was out of control. "GUYS!!!! EVERYONE SHUT UP!!! TAKE A SEAT!!!! THERE'S NO ASSIGNED SEATS UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!!" Mrs. Coster yelled strictly to the class. Jinxx, Inna, and CC were all sitting next to each other. "Okay guys, I'm Mrs. Coster! I'm your 9th grade reading teacher today so lets take attendance." said Mrs. Coster. While she is taking attendance, CC, Jinxx, and Inna were acting up and being rude to the teacher. Mrs. Coster walks up to CC's desk and slaps it with a ruler and screams to CC, Jinxx, and Inna, "GUYS!! SHUT UP AND BE QUIET!!!!!!" "Geez woman. Learn your attitude!!" said CC. Mrs. Coster went into CC's face, "What did you say??" "I said, 'Learn your attitude.' Are you def?'" "Hey do you want to get out of my class?" asks Mrs. Coster. "......No......" replied CC "THEN SHUT UP AND LET ME DO ATTENDANCE!!!!!!!!!" screamed Mrs. Coster. CC was flabbergasted and the class laughed at him and so did Jinxx and Inna. CC was embarrassed. 

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