Part two

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The room was empty all that sat in it was a young girl scared of the slightest thing why? 

The girl lay with bruises littering her tiny body she did wrong, so this is the punishment she deserves right? no nobody deserves to sit in a small damp room after having been beaten black and blue. They deserve love and affection, but I mean in a world that we live in now it's stupid right? 

the said girl looks up as the light from the hallway outside flowed into the room; from around the door the girl so badly wanted to stand and bang on said door plead for her to leave this sad excuse for a bedroom.  I mean it doesn't even have a bed for God sakes Haha is it still called a bedroom? or just a room? 

The girl just got shoved into the room after being beaten and used by her so-called parents. she cried and cried screamed for someone to take her away from this cruel reality whenever she goes out to school or shopping, she is coated in makeup and long shirts even in hot weather to hide the long scars that litter her young body you expect her to be running around laughing in the streets with other young children but not here she sits in a cold damp room curled up in a ball wearing nothing but a sad excuse for a t-shirt.

she begged once to her aunt to take her away from them but it's not a simple process it takes time for now this small girl has to protect her little brother to protect everyone from the pain that is her family.

"My brother is moving out today so at least now I don't have to worry about him, but it also means I've got to deal with them all by myself that might be the only reason as to why they beat me so badly last night? probably most likely he's not away forever but he's at least out the house thank God at least someone can protect him"

shortly after he left the house the door opened "EEK" the little girl said.

And from then on for many years she dealt with the abuse and her life being a miserable treat it wasn't until the said young girl turned 19 years old that she finally trapped them told the police everything she gained enough evidence to get a restraining order formed so now she is safely away from them for 5 beautiful years.

the many years alone for the woman stayed in her mind torturing her with nightmares that no doctor or medicine could ever rid of no matter what she does comfort from a loved one nothing there was once where she couldn't sleep in fear in her nightmares now insomnia wasn't new to these types of people this is something she had to deal with be it alone or with loved ones.

Thank you for reading my sad excuse for a book haha

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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