•Japan here I come! •

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England London

6:15 a.m

The Demetryx Manor


After reading the newspaper the girl sat up and petted the wolf besides her and hum a lovely tune 'Lavanders blue dilly dilly' "It'll take another months for us to go back to school Wolverina and Ivy " the girl muttered quietly, the white owl hoot to her owner, the wolf immediately stand up and grab it's masters sleeve indicating for her to stand up and finish it's homework "a'ight I'm gonna finish up now" the young witch chuckled and reach for the book and quills.
She took her doll, Annika, and put it inside her trunk before continuing to study.

Meidaimien Midasaki Demetryx a half British and Japanese whose whole life is a magic.
Finding herself addicted to dolls and teacups she decided to collect them and buy it for fun.
She study at their school Beuôxtionè academy of witchcraft and wizardry (Byusioney how you read it) a witchcraft and wizardry school she attend along her brothers
Sean Cordy, Claude and Roìsen her siblings leaving her to be the only girl at their family apart from her mother, she also goes to school with her bestfriend Colline Craige Wilturd, Her mother whose come from the family of Midasaki, A Japanese witch, wich came from a pure blood line of witches and wizards and her father being the grandson of the founder of their
School Beuôxtionè Academy, the family is very rich her father Arthuro Beatruce Demetryx who also came from a pure blood line of wizards and witches her mother being the daughters founder and her father being the heir of Dementryx palace at the Encadium World
All throughout they found their family mingling at the mundane world


After finishing up everything she headed downstairs with the white and black furred wolf for breakfast "Good morning dad, mom and brother" she greeted them and smiled "say what Meidamien,-" the girl cut off his brother words immediately a frown place upon her graceful features "Daimy brother, Daimy my names too long" the girl ushered her self to the dining table "is Claude and Roìsen wouldn't be joining us dad?" speaking of the devils the twins makes an appearance behind her and try to scare her when she suddenly "I know what the both of you are trying to do I can sense the both of you" she muttered while a smug look is plastered upon her face making their mother cackle "So Daimy you don't want to visit Japan and check out grandma there?" Mr. Demetryx sighed "your classes will be back shortly after a month it's best if you just visit her this winter holiday" the 3 boys groaned and sitted at the long dining table "Father I do really want to visit grandma too, but if you chose what's best for us then, I have no right to oblige to what you want father" out of all them, Meidaimien is the most respectful, calm, smart, brave and courageous not only that a true friend and a very compassionate student she's the most shut in out of all her siblings "Arthuro just give them the three weeks they wanted they'll be back here after a week before they have to go back to Encadium" the reply of their mother brought a smile to their sulking face, the three boys leaped to their mother and give her a hug, Daimy smiled to her mom muttering a thanks to her, "fine then eat and you shall pack later I'll tell the pilot to flight you to Japan, I'm sure your grandparents would be happy to know you'll be visiting them"

Daimy went straight to her room and pack her stuff such as her:
Pumpkin candy
Pairs of Shoes and sandals
Ignis Pila
Her Broom
And also her school work
Her favorite teacups set
Sewing materials
Satin sheets (for her dolls clothes)

It's not a surprise to know she love reading, after all she wouldn't made it at the honor roll list of students if she wasn't that smart "Daimy! We're leaving hurry up darling!" their head maid called for her
"coming Nana!" she shouted back and grab his luggage and pets excited for the trip.

After making at the front house and being ready he was engulfed by a big hug from her personal maid Catherine whose not going to be with her, For Daimy Catherine is more of a friend rather than a servant "young lady I'm very pleased to see your happy having a trip with your siblings I hope you keep your self in safe while I'm away from you" Cath give a tearful smile at her and hug her for the last time "thank you for your concern Cathy, I will be just fine" the latter smiled and patted the head of its long friend named Cathy
"hop in Daimy, The Limousine is ready" she separated from Cath after giving her a reassuring smile "you excited Daimy?" her oldest brother ask
"I'm very pleased that mother has agreed to let us go, therefore I'm very happy indeed" she gave a warm smile and continue to stare out the window.

That's for chapter 1 hope you like it!

Yes I love Harry Potter 😊

(The Demetryx manor above)

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