1. How you meet

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James Potter: You were on you way to Charms in your 2nd year when a boy with black hair, hazel eyes and classes come running past you. The boy ran into your shoulder making you drop the books you were holding.

"Bloody hell, I am so sorry." The boy said, as he quickly tried to help you pick up your books.

"Just watch where your going next time." You warned, grabbing your books from him. He nodded.

"I'm James Potter." He told you, "I thought you should at least know who ran into you."

"Y/n L/n." You replied. James looked like he was going to say something else but he was cut of by another boy running around the corner screaming.

"He's coming James! Run!" James smirked, giving you one last look.

"Well I got to run." James said as he slowly started to back away. "It was nice meeting you."

Sirius Black: You sat next to one of your friends, Lily, in Herbology. The two of you sat and quietly talked to each other before class started when you were interpreted by a group of boys walking into the class room.

"Remind me why I'm taking Herbology?" One of the boys asked another. He had shoulder length, saggy black hair, cool grey eyes and he was wearing a leather jacket over his school uniform.

"Because James is taking it." The other boy answered. When class had finally started Professor Sprout put the class into group's of two. 

"Sirius Black you'll be working with Y/n L/n." Professor Sprout told him, the boy in the leather jacket eyes widened.

"Why can't I just be with James?" He asked, sounding pissed off.

"Because you won't do any work," Professor Sprout replied, "now move!" Sirius got up from his seat, grabbing his bag and made his way over to you. He sat down with a huff and crossed his arms.

"Hi I'm Sirius and I probably won't do any work." Sirius introduced himself.

"I know who you are Sirius," you said, "you're not exactly the quiet type." You pointed out.

"Right." Sirius said, nodding in agreement. "What's your name love?"

"Y/n L/n."

"Well Y/n, you better start working because I suck at Herbology."

Remus Lupin: It was the started of your 3rd year at Hogwarts and, some how, you were lost.... again. You walked around a part of the castle that you didn't recognize, trying to fine a way back to your common room.

"Are you lost?" a voice asked. You turned around and there he was. A boy with caramel brown hair and soft green eye, A boy that you had seen in your some of your classes in 1st and 2nd year. You nodded, blushing a little. 

"Yeah, I am." You said, embarrassed,  "A bit silly for a 3rd year to be getting lost." 

"No at all! My friend Peter get's lost all the time." the boy told you, "I'm Remus, Remus Lupin." Remus said, holding out his hand for you to shake.

"Y/n L/n." You replied, gladly shaking his hand.

"Well then Y/n, how about we get you back to your common room?" Remus asked. You nodded, giggling a little.

"That would be nice."

Regulus Black: You were in the libary one day, trying to find a book you need about Charms. You looked high and low trying to find the book but you had no luck.... until you finally found it, sitting on a high shelf, to high for you to reach.

"You want some help there?" A voice asked. You turned and saw a boy with longish black hair and dark grey eyes. At first you thought that it was Sirius Black, but then thought 'why would he be in the library?'

"Yes please." You replied, nodding. The boy reached up and grabbed the hard covered book.

"Is this the one?" He asked, you nodded as he handed you the book. "I'm Regulus." He introduced himself. You lips formed into an 'oh' shape.

"Oh so he's Sirius' brother." You mumbled to yourself.

"What was that?" Regulus asked. You eyes widened and blush came over your face.

"Nothing! I'm Y/n L/n."

"Well, Y/n I'll see you around."

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