Chapter 4-

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Isobel wakes up the next morning and realised that it's her fault and she feels really bad. She opens her door and sees Tom but she completely ignores him. He notices how she is acting weird so he decides to follow her. Isobel ends up in the astronomy tower. Tom noticed that Isobel is in the astronomy tower and is worried. "Isobel stop!" Tom shouts turning the corner. He grabs hold of her wrist just in time. "Tom I'm so sorry but let go of me now!" She unhooks herself and jumps immediately. "ISOBEL NOOO!!" Tom shouts as she falls to her "death." Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Hagrid turn the corner and see Tom on the floor Crying his eyes out. "Master riddle what an earth are you doing on the floor?!" Professor Dumbledore says. "Professor Isobel Secker just jumped off the tower and there was nothing I could do about it sir!" He says back running past them to her her "dead body." Tom gets outside to see Professor Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Harry, Ron and Hermione there. Tom ran up to her body and cried on her chest. He lifts his head up in shock. Hermione notices. "What is it Tom?" Hermione says going to Tom putting her arm around him. "A heartbeat.." he says. "I hear a heartbeat!" He says crying some more. "What?" Everyone says looking at Tom then at Isobel's body. Dumbledore checks. "He's correct." Dumbledore nods. They bring Isobels body to the hospital wing. A couple of weeks later Isobel is in the hospital wing. Tom never left her sight. Isobels eyes fluttered and Tom looked hopeful. Isobel opens her eyes and the first thing/person she saw was Tom. Tom started to cry putting his head in Isobels. "T-Tom?" She says struggling. "Y-yes Isobel." He says back looking her straight in the eyes. "I-i lo- I love you Tom." She forces a smile as she is weak. "Isobel I love you too." He smiles and kisses her forehead. "I'm so glad your back Isobel" he says smiling....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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