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"Bye Tuck. Your dad is picking you up today, but this Friday. It's me and you and we are going to have so much fun." Miranda said squatting down to hug him.

Tuck was her (son)shine. She loved him more than anything. After she dropped him off

Miranda went to the store to buy things for lunch. She brought a deli platter and all the condiments for it. She also picked up chips, and a new bottle of wine. Miranda took a shower and slid on a gray maxi dress, then called Ben over, while she set up everything. Miranda jerked her head up as she heard the door bell ring.

"Hey." Miranda said opening the door up. She let him inside, looking over him. He looked absolutely good. Ben was wearing light blue jeans, a white shirt and white shoes.

"I figured we could make subs, so I bought all the fixings and stuff." Miranda said blushing and she didn't even know why.

"That's perfect. Let me go wash my hands" Ben said walking to her bathroom. He stood beside Miranda as they made their subs together. "I got different kinds of chips too." Miranda added and Ben nodded his head.

"Do you have a big blanket." Ben asked and Miranda told him to look in the closet, in the hall. Ben came back and he moved her coffee table out of the middle of the floor.

"What are you doing." Miranda asked watching him spread the blanket out.

"We are eating down here together." Ben replied. Miranda smiled at this in house picnic. She brought their food down on the floor and Ben grabbed their glasses for wine. Miranda sat with her legs side ways. She listened to Ben as he talked.

"Wow. When did that happen."

"I came back home for my junior year of college and we were all riding in his father's car. Danny got thrown from the vehicle. After that, I was so hurt and angry. I didn't know what to do with my self anymore. I went back to college but it took a lot for me to get my self back together." Ben told her.

"So where is your dad and Curt.?"

"They moved here with me, when mom was dying. She was sick from cancer. She knew about it apparently my sophomore year of college. She didn't want to say anything and she kept it from me and Curt. My dad knew all along but when I moved to Seattle. No one said anything and I just came home for the summer for a couple weeks during my first year of residency and she was sick. It broke my heart and I contemplated on going back to finish my residency, but I knew that I had to for my life and future. My mom loved it out here in Seattle. I was glad they moved here. That way I was able to spend all the time I could with her. She died my 3rd year of residency" Ben said and she could see the hurt in his eyes. He adored and loved his mother so much.

Miranda put her hand on top of his and looked into his eyes. "I am so sorry Ben, your mother was an awesome woman. " "That she was."

"Tell me more about you Miranda. Tell me about college."

"college was actually a great experience. I loved learning more and taking all those biology and chemistry classes. It was different because I was married as well. I don't know why I got married so young. It was so foolish. " Miranda said looking back. "I was very timid once again. Even in my intern year of surgery. I was 4'11 and over look and the male colleagues called me girl." Miranda explained. "Tucker wasn't there with me my intern year, just in case I didn't make it. Deep down I know he really didn't want me to make it " Miranda put up imaginary quotations and scuffed.

"He didn't come until my first year of residency."

"I got pregnant my 3rd year of residency. Things was already stressful with my husband and career, trying to juggle both and honestly I was scared to juggle all three. I thought about not keeping him. Ben's eyes widen. "Yeah I know." Miranda said.

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