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I hate everyone.i should've not tell her that.now she uses that to get what she wants.i hate it here.i hate living.i should've not tell her that i kinda like girls.heres a storytime.so it was the middle of morning like 3.00 am or something like that.i was bored bcs everynight when we want to go to sleep,we would pass our phone to our mom.i said "ask me question" my 7 year old anti kpop sis was being loud bcs my another fucked up sis was asking a question related to it.so then i was fed up bcs of that.i was very sensitive.when it comes to kpop.they knew that.so my anti kpop sis is a fan of iamsanna and          inquestitormaster.so i stand up saying that it was the same situation.her being a fan of iamsanna and i being a fan of kpop.then they ganged up on me and talk shit abt me.i was on the verge of crying but i dont want to seem like im weak.so i went to my bed and cried.i was on the top bunk.they talk shit abt kpop repeating the word "boring" they heard me cry and i heard my anti kpop sis said "good job" they proceded to talk shit abt me.i cant hold it anymore so i scrathed my wrist until its red.i wish i could tell this to my mom but then again she wont believe me.she will surely said "why you cried?" Or something like that.i dont wanna live anymore.

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