Lets get cliché

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Request: Techno x A6d

Thanks to @Kid_From_Hell on Wattpad for the request!

Prompt: High school AU (again)

For a bit of background, A6d is like the artsy kid, and Techno's the quarterback on the school football team. We're going full throttle cliché on this one. It's set in kinda the same universe as the previous chapter. Also there's a lot of plot with this one, I kinda got carried away hehe

The bell rang and A6d sighed. He gathered all his stuff into his backpack and made his way out of the Art room, hair and clothes stained with colorful splotches of paint. He jogged over to his locker without noticing the fact that his backpack wasn't zipped all the way. When he finally did, it was too late. The extra paintbrushes he kept for when the art room ran out fell out of his backpack and he slipped on them, landing on his back. The school bully, Dream, had unzipped it fully, spilling his books and pencils everywhere. Dream laughed and walked off with his friends. Techno, one of Dream's friends, looked back at A6d as he walked away. He bit his lip at the sight of A6d sprawled out on the ground, red in the face, with his shirt ridden up past his stomach.

"Fuck" A6d said as he frantically tried to gather all his items before the next bell.

"Language- oh no! A6d, what happened?!" Cried his friend Skeppy when he and Bad rounded the corner.

"Dream unzipped my backpack again." He grumbled.

"What a-" Bad shot Skeppy a look. "Uh, jerk. What a jerk." He finished, proud for not swearing.

"Yeah, I know. Nothing I can do about it. Anyway, lets go. We have English in two minutes."

• • •

The next day, as A6d was walking down the hall, he saw Techno coming and instinctively moved to the other side of the hallway. But Techno moved that way too, and stopped him. A6d looked up, scared of what was coming. But all Techno did was lean in to whisper in his ear, "Meet me in the janitor's closet during lunch." he pulled away and walked off like nothing happened. A6d was stunned. He debated in his head whether he should go or not. The rational part of him said no, that was a terrible idea. He was one of Dream's closest friends! Why should A6d trust him? But a small part of him wasn't terrified when Techno leaned that close to him. A small part of him didn't want him to lean away. He liked being that close to him. That small part of him won over, and A6d decided he would go. What's the worst that could happen?

• • •

At lunch, A6d told his friends he needed to go to the bathroom, and once he was out of the cafeteria and made sure no teachers were looking, he headed down the hall to the janitor's office. He opened the door and looked around inside the dim room. Nobody there. Suddenly, a hand pushed him forward and he stumbled into the room, hearing the door close behind him. He was about to panic when he heard a deep voice say, "You came." A6d whipped around, startled, and didn't relax a single bit when he saw Technoblade. In fact, his heart started pounding even harder.

"Y-Yeah?" He stuttered, nervous.

"What's your name?" Techno asked, more like a statement then a question.

"Um, Vincent. But my friends call me A6d."

"A6d..." Techno murmured. A6d shivered at the way it rolled off his tongue. "Well, A6d, my name's Technoblade. I'm sure you already knew that, though." A6d rolled his eyes. Who did this guy think he is? "Anyway, I asked if you'd come here because you're in my English class, and you get straight A's. But I'm failing English, and my parents are gonna kill me when they see my report card. So, you know, I kinda need a tutor." He blushed as he said the last sentence, obviously embarrassed that he had to ask for tutoring.

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