Number Five

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Diego went back to his apartment, bursting angrily through the rusting metal door

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Diego went back to his apartment, bursting angrily through the rusting metal door. Five was awake now, having a conversation with Luther.

Diego stomped down the steps, muttering, "Piece of shit."

He ran toward Five, Luther grabbing him with one arm to slow him down.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?" Diego demanded.

Luther picked him up to calm him down. If Morana weren't so worried it would be almost funny.

"Nope, let me— Get your ape hands off of me!" Diego snarled.

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down."

"Guys," Morana said. "We need to focus on finding Klaus. We don't know if they still have him or not."

Of course, no one could hear her.

Diego stopped struggling. "Fine."

"Now, wanna tell us what you're talkin' about?" Luther asked.

"Our brother's been pretty busy since he got back." Diego said. "He was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then at Gimble Brothers, after the guys in masks attacked the Academy, looking for him."

"None of which is any of your concern," Five replied evenly.

"It is now," Diego gritted out. "They just killed my friend."

Luther turned to look at Five. "Who are they, Five?"

"They work for my former employer. A woman called the Handler. She sent them . . ." he paused, "to stop me. Then, soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, fair game."

Luther looked horrified. Diego just looked angry.

"And now they're my fair game," he snarled. "And I'm gonna see to it they pay."

He turned to leave, and Five stood. "That would be a mistake, Diego. They've killed people far more dangerous than you."

"They haven't met me yet," Morana said, stalking out of the room after Diego. "And once they do, it'll be too late."

They both clambered into his car. (Morana had to climb in through the window.)

Diego let a few tears fall in what he thought was complete privacy. He put his head against the steering wheel, breathing heavily.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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