The Trial of Power

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Link awoke. He was in a dream-world.

Oh no . . .

Powerful monsters were all around. Moblins, Big Deku Babas, Octorocks, Poes, Keese, Beamos, Armos, Lizafos, and all kinds of deadly monsters.

Charge, young one.

"W-W-Who are you?" said Link

I am the Fierce Deity, as you remember. This is the first of your tasks, the Trial of Power. Take up the blade of the Moon, the Helix Blade!

Link readied his blade. Power surged through him. 

He easily killed most of the monsters, but then . . . when the bodies of the other monsters was destroyed, a new one appeared. 

It was a lion-horse-human thing with white markings on its pure gold body that was three times as tall as Link himself and had a giant bow along with . . .  a huge . . . thing. 

It looked like it was made of brass with a bit of iron mixed in. It looked a bit like a club, only it was easily three times taller than Link himself.

He readied his sword and shield in a defensive position. The monster readied his club. 

The first attack was surprising. Link expected him to perform  The monster spun it with incredible force and it threw Link straight to the side. He tried to get up but was hit again.

"Parry," Link heard the Fierce Deity say. 

Dutifully, he raised his shield and turned it, the way he had seen Hylian Knights practicing during his trip into the gardens. To his surprise, though, the weapon was deflected away, and the creature went backward a bit, giving Link time to get up. He looked, and riding Epona for so long made him instinctively jump on, before he could think. 

The creature started bucking back and forth, trying to throw him off. Seeing no other option, Link jammed his sword into the monster's neck. He retracted, and the monster howled in pain. Link remembered, back in the Gerudo Fortress, how a warrior had put her sword to his neck and told him that slicing the neck would silence him, forever.

Assuming that monster anatomy generally similar to Hylian anatomy, he found the artery and, amid the slashing teeth, managed to slice an artery, before jumping off and, for good measure, shooting the head. The monster collapsed and exploded in dark purple.

"Good." said the Fierce Deity. "You have passed the Trial of Power. Now, rejoice before the Trial of Wisdom!"

Next Trial is, as you can guess, is the Trial of Wisdom. Took me so long because, honestly, I have no idea how  to write fight scenes. Come to think of it, I have no idea how to write puzzle scenes, either . . . and  I don't even know what I'm going to do with Courage!  But . . . don't you just hate it when the author goes off on a ridiculously long, completely unrelated tangent that have absolutely nothing to do with the story?  I do too! 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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