4- She's different.

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Y/n stood excitedly. She jumped in tiny, waiting for Felix to come there. She felt confused when there was nobody in the building. Worst, the building still locked.

Then, someone tapped her shoulder. She turns her head and saw a man in 40 age raised his eyebrows.

"Are you new here?" The man asked, Y/n nodded as she smiled sweetly towards him.

"Kid, the building will open on 7.00 a.m. Why you here in 5.00 a.m?" Y/n choked up. She widened her eyes.

"Well, my previous company before opened 5.00 a.m. So i thought every company are the same." Y/n chuckled awkwardly.

"Kid, Miss Park wouldn't let her workers doesn't have time to rest. " The man shook his head, with torch in his hand, he off the torchlight as he put it at his pocket.

"Oh if that so, don't worry i can wait here until its open"

The man widened his eyes as he quickly bow. Y/n confused with his action because he suddenly bowing to her. But then, she heard a soft hums behind her.

"Miss Park, i never see you come at this hour. What brings you here?" the man said, Y/n widened her eyes as she turns her head with blurred face. She saw Chaeyoung, with her same expression like before. Well. Heh.

" I can come anytime i want, Jungkyung. " Chaeyoung said, she walked towards the door as the man quickly opened the lock door for her. He bowing again as Chaeyoung went inside the building.

Y/n blinked her eyes, before she turns her heels to catch Chaeyoung up. She tried to match their steps together and glanced at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked at the floor with earphone pieces on her ears. Y/n sighed.

Chaeyoung realized Y/n's reaction as she glanced secretly to her. She removed the pieces as she opened her mouth.

" I see. Are you too excited to do your duty until you come here early in this morning?" Chaeyoung asked. Y/n turned her head to Chaeyoung, makes their eyes met, sending Chaeyoung a weird tingles over her body.  Chaeyoung's eyes can't even connected with Y/n's eyes as she turns her head slowly as she continued focused on the floor.

the hell is happening to me right now? Why i can't even look straight at her face.

"Yes, Miss Park. And oh! I promise i will do the best for you!" Y/n laughed, she clapped her hand. When they reached the lift, Chaeyoung pushed the open button as they went in together.

Y/n pushed the level's button and stood next to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung's eyes focused on Y/n's reflection while she still listened to song that been played on the earphone.

She felt awkward stood next to her new private assistant that kindly short than her. That's make her think that Y/n lowkey cute for her. Chaeyoung back to the reality, she shook her head hard. Meanwhile Y/n's heart almost burst out. She thought her new boss got a Parkinson's.

She looked at her new boss weirdly, Chaeyoung looked at her back then gave Y/n a fake coughed.

" Don't mind me at all. I just tryna warm my beautiful face." Chaeyoung glance back to other place when Y/n's eyes accidentally connected with her.

Y/n gave her an 'o' mouth and she nodded. When they arrived at Chaeyoung's office. Chaeyoung opened the office door as she throw her briefcase on the couch and head to her work desk. She opened her laptop and started doing her previous work yesterday. Then she stopped typing when she see Y/n standing at the door like a dumb person.

"What are you doing there? "

" I don't know where to start doing my job" Y/n replied, she chuckled awkwardly while rub her nape. Chaeyoung hummed and grab a key room as she lean it to Y/n.

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