Chapter 31

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It was now time for Oliver to have his fight with Ras. He had been training for this for six months and he felt like he was good enough to beat Ras. Nyssa met up with Oliver that day so that she could take him to Ras. Sara decided that she was going to go as well because if something did go wrong and Oliver did lose, she wanted to die with him.

Oliver and the two women walked into an abandoned warehouse and saw that there were six assassins there and Ras was standing in the middle of all of them like they were guarding him. Which now that he thought about it, he guessed that they probably were.

"Mr. Queen, I have come here because my daughter has told me that you would be a welcome addition to the League of Assassins." Ras said.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I have no interest in leaving my city to die just because you want me to join the League." Oliver said.

"The problem is that you don't have a choice boy. You will join whether you want to or not." Ras said.

"I don't think so. You see, I don't take orders from anyone, which would make me a bad match for you because I would never listen to what you had to say." Oliver said.

"Either you come and join the League, or we will destroy your city." Ras said.

"I will not join your League, but I will challenge you to a fight. If I win, the League of Assassins will never enter Star City again. If you win, well I will be dead so either way I won't be joining the League." Oliver said.

"I except your terms. I will give you three day to tell everyone you love goodbye. At the end of the three days, I will return here and meet you on the dam and we will fight to the death." Ras said and Oliver nodded as he turned to leave the building with Sara right behind him.

"Do you think you are ready, or do you need a little more practice?" Sara asked.

"I think I am ready, but let's just practice on last time so that I know I am ready." Oliver said as they both entered the lair and went to change into workout clothes.

Oliver was doing everything right in his practice with Sara so that he was prepared to win this fight that he had coming up. After a while he wanted to try something else, so he said, "I want to try and fight without a sword while you have one. I need to be prepared for everything."

"Makes since. Ok, so you put down your sword and I will attack you." Sara said and Oliver started to dodge all of the swings of the sword that Sara was throwing. Once they were done with this Sara said, "I think you are ready. Tomorrow you need to take off and just take it easy. You don't need to practice anymore and wear yourself out." Sara said and Oliver nodded.

Once the two got home the whole team plus Tommy there to hang out with Oliver. They were sure that he was going to win this fight with Ras and come back to them, but they had to know that that was not a 100% chance that he would make it back to them.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming over tonight. I am glad that we all could get together and have some fun before I go and fight Ras." Oliver said.

"No Problem man. We needed to do this just in case things don't work out the way that they are supposed to." Tommy said.

"Ok, so what do you guys have planned for this little party?" Oliver asked.

"Well, there are always movies that we can watch, or we could play board games." Laurel said.

"Let's watch a movie then we can play some board games." Sara said.

Everyone then sat down and watch the movie which everyone seemed to enjoy, and then they played boards games for a while. Oliver then decided that it was time for him to go to bed so that he could rest up for his fight.

Three days later Oliver was walking out onto the dam where he saw Ras and Nyssa waiting for him. Ras walked up so that they could be face to face before they started to fight.

"Ok Mr. Queen, pick your weapon of choice and then we will begin the fight." Ras said and Oliver nodded as he picked the sword, he liked the most. Nyssa got them ready to start the fight and then they were off to fighting. The swords were clashing, and the sparks were flying from the metal on metal contact. Soon though, both Oliver and Ras realized that Oliver was the better fighter.

Once Ras realized this, he was scrambling to find a way to beat Oliver Queen. Oliver finally got the upper hand and he ended up cutting one of Ras's arms off. He would rather not kill the man, but he knew that Ras was to powerful not to. While Ras was shocked that Oliver had beat him, he didn't realize that Oliver was getting ready to go for the kill. Oliver raised his sword and brought it down on Ras's neck causing his head to role across the ground. Oliver then went to Ras's missing arm and got the ring from his hand and took it back to the lair to give it to Nyssa.

"It is good to see that you are a man of your word." Nyssa said.

"I always keep my promises, so now what are you going to do now?" Oliver asked.

"I am going to track down my sister and bring her back to the League where we will run the League together." Nyssa said.

"Well good luck to the both of you. I am glad that I don't have to think about running the League." Oliver said and everyone else agreed.

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