I hear singing

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   ~At Gons house~
Gon wakes up to the sound of his loud alarm clock ringing. He irritably turned off the alarm clock and groaned before he got up to get ready for his boring homeschooling. He walks downstairs to see aunt mito making breakfast for the both of them. "Hey aunt mito!" Gon beamed with a smile as he ran to get some of aunt mito's famous pancakes. "Hi gon!" Aunt mito laughed as she finished cooking and made their plates. Gon didn't waste any time and started chomping down on the blueberry pancakes.

After they got done eating, gon rushed back upstairs to finish getting ready and start the day. He got started on his history work first, he turned on the tv while he worked. It was celebrities talking about how they found thier soulmates and what song they were singing. You're supposed to gain the ability to hear your soulmate sing when you're 16-18. Gon has never heard his soulmate sing before, maybe it was because he turned 16 only 5 months ago. A boy about his age came on the tv and was talking about his accomplishments as a singer. 'He seems so genuine and sweet' Gon thought.
Gon focused back on his work, he was almost finished.

8 hours had passed and Gon was finally done with his annoying work, he could finally relax. He scrolled on his Twitter timeline to see his friend, Leorio posting about how hard it was to be a Med student. Gon laughed at his friend's post and liked it, he scrolled to the next post and saw that white haired boy again. His other friend, Bisky was posting about him having a huge concert soon. The next few posts were all talking about the boy, apparently his name was Killua. He kept scrolling to see if he could find anything that interested him.

After 30 minutes of scrolling, he turned off his phone and laid down on his bed. He decided to take a short nap before dinner, plus he was tired of hearing about Killua. His hazel eyes slowly closed as he drifted to sleep.

~At Killua's apartment~
Killua just came back from an interview at some news place. He likes singing and all but it was honestly tiring at times, he never really had time to do what he wanted but it's definitely better than when he lived in his family's house. He started to think about when he would hear his soulmate sing for the first time, Killua was hopeful that it would happen soon since he turned 16 last month. 'What will his voice be like? What if he's a bad singer?' Killua questions himself. He wonders if he'll be like his brother, Illumi.

Illumi started to hear his soulmate as soon as he turned 16. His soulmate ended up being a tall redhead that wore unique makeup but Illumi fell in love almost right away despite him being almost completely emotionless any other time. Milluki has heard his soulmate before but they barely sing. Alluka and Kalluto are still too young to hear their soulmates yet. He thinks more about his family 'they wouldn't be so bad if they weren't batshit crazy' Killua thought as he flopped down on his extra large bed.

He scrolls on his Twitter timeline and see more fans gushing about his concert coming up. This concert is going to be HUGE, there's going to be a big stage with a bunch of people standing in front of it. Killua was hardly nervous though, he was used to all eyes being on him.

Killua's head started to ring and then he heard...singing. 'Oh my goshhh!' He thought as he heard his soulmate singing for the first time. He smiled widely, he was overjoyed. He has always wanted to guess who his soulmate was, it was like a fun game that kept you guessing. Killua didn't hesitate to hop on the phone with his friend, Kurapika. Him and Kurapika had been friends for 2 years already, they met while Killua was running away from home.

The phone rang for a few seconds and Kurapika picked up. All the blond could say was "Hello-" before Killua yelled at the phone in excitement "YO KURAPIKA, GUESS WHAT? I CAN HEAR MY SOULMATE". Kurapika just laughs and says "that's good Killua, what does he sound like?" Killua thought for a moment "he sounds... like Engine from tangled." He finally said. "Oh wow, mine kinda sounds like the Preminger from that Barbie movie." Kurapika says with a chuckle. "Ready for that big concert?" The blonde asks. "Yep, for sure." Killua says, slowly drifting to sleep.

They talk for 30 more minutes before Killua said that he's tired, they say their goodbyes. Killua sings a few vocals from his new song before he finally hits the hay.

~Back at Gon's house~
Gon wakes up from his nap to aunt mito telling him it's time for dinner. There was steak and broccoli waiting for him at the table. Aunt mito had to leave for something in the middle of dinner, so he ate alone. He finished eating and went to take a shower.

He gets in the shower and sings a song called clarity that he heard on a radio. He wonders if his roommate could hear him yet, he gets a bit embarrassed but keeps singing. "If our loveee's insanity, why are you my remedy. If our loveee's insanity, why are you my clarity~" he sang proudly. Soon he was done with his shower and he stopped singing and put on his night clothes. He wore a green tank top with some black boxers. He laid down and scrolled on Twitter. Gon suddenly hears singing, he jumps at the sudden noise while his eyes widened. His soulmate's voice was beautiful, it was so controlled and balanced. He quickly called Leorio.

Leorio picked up the phone and Gon started telling him everything. "HEY LEORIO GUESS WHO HEARD THEIR SOULMATE, MEEE" Gon yelled at the phone. "Oww okay okay, I get it" Leorio said with a chuckle. "So what's he sound like" he asked Gon. "Hm he kinda sounds like that famous white haired boy, he was singing one of his songs." Gon replied, "what if your soulmate is Killua" Leorio suggests. "Nah" Gon replied.

They talked for an hour more before they both got tired. They said their goodnights and hung up. Gon smiled sleepily as he closed his hazel eyes. He was just so happy that he finally heard his soulmate, plus he couldn't wait to tell aunt mito about it when she gets back. He eventually lets sleep fall over him.

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