The Next Day (pt 2)

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~Back to the two pretty bestfriends~
Killua and Kurapika went into a clothing store first. Kurapika went to see if he could find some sweaters and Killua went straight for the graphic tee shirts. He found exactly what he was looking for after 10 minutes of searching and started to walk towards where Kurapika was. Kurapika was holding a large red sweater in his hands as he looked at it sadly. "Hey... you okay?" Killua asks. "Yeah I'm fine, it just reminds me of my family a bit. That's all." Kurapika says. Killua decided not to ask any more questions and waited for Kurapika to finish shopping.

   After 30 minutes, they went up to the register and Killua paid for everything despite Kurapika's complaints. They decided to go their separate ways because Kurapika wanted to go to the jewelry store for chains and Killua wanted to buy more outfits, they agreed to meet at the food court when they were done.

   They spent around two hours doing their separate shopping and surprisingly, Killua hasn't been noticed. The both met at the food court and grabbed some chic-fil-a before they decided it was time to leave. They got in the car and Kurapika asked if he could put his playlist on. Killua agreed, wondering what the blonde listened to. Roses by The Chainsmokers came on, Kurapika hummed til his favorite part came on. Killua suddenly heard the blonde sing "Deep in my bones I can feel you. Take me back to a time where we knew Hideaway. We could waste the night with an old film, smoke a little weed on the couch in the backroom Hidaway."

   Killua laughed as Kurapika started feeling the music. The song ended and another one went on. "Gentleman and Gentlemen get ready to hear the best performance of your life." Kurapika said jokingly. "Alright lets hear it then". Kurapika sang a few more songs until they got to Killua's apartment. They agreed on having a sleepover because it's way too dark for Kurapika to walk to his home.

   "Yo Kurapika, wanna have a singing battle?" Killua asked, smiling widely. "Most definitely" Kurapika said with a small smile. Killua set up a camera to record their performances so that Illumi could judge. Killua was up first so he quickly grabbed a random microphone and started the music, he was singing She Wolf by Sia. He even threw in some of his dance moves. Soon, the song was done and it was Kurapika's turn. The blonde set up some lights and got ready to make a groundbreaking performance.

   He started singing Bad Romance. He wasn't really into it at first but when his favorite part came on, he got all the way into it. The lights suddenly turn red like his eyes and his outfit changed. "I want your love and I want your revenge. I want your love, I don't wanna be friends. Je veux ton amour, Et je veux ta revanche, Je veux ton amour. I don't wanna be friends." Kurapika sang passionately while doing the dramatic dance moves they did in the video. He even got on the floor with it too.

   Killua was shook, he was definitely gonna make Kurapika perform atleast one song with him during his concert. Soon, Kurapika finished singing and ended it with a dramatic pose. Killua clapped loudly while saying " Holy shit Kurapika, I didn't know you could move that much!".Kurapika rolled his eyes and said "I'm 19, not 50. Of course I can move that much." Killua turned off the camera and rushed to FaceTime Illumi to show him the recording.

   The phone rang for a couple of seconds and he heard a simple "Yes Kil?". Killua instantly started beaming about how good Kurapika's performance was. Illumi just stayed quiet while looking at the screen blankly. "He was even on he floor Illumi!! Just like you used to do when we still lived at home." Killua said, with a smug look on his face. Suddenly, they heard Hisoka laughing hysterically. "Shut it Hisoka" Illumi said, smacking the magician on the side of his head. Killua connected the camera to the tv and turned his camera so that his brother could see it too.

   The video started playing, Killua's performance came first so Illumi smiled a bit. After his performance, Illumi and Hisoka clapped. Kurapika's performance was up next and the couple wanted to see why Killua was so hyped about it. The first half seemed pretty tame so they didn't get the hype but as soon as the lights turned red, they knew it was gonna be good. Everyone watched as Kurapika sang his heart out while dancing. When the song ended, Illumi was lowkey shook but didn't show it and Hisoka said "well that was hot, why can't you do that Illu~" while smirking. That earned him another smack. It was obvious who won. Kurapika was sitting with a small smile while thinking 'I never lose a challenge.'

   30 minutes later, Killua said his goodbyes to the couple and decided it was time for bed. Kurapika agreed and they both went to sleep on Killua's abnormally large couch.

~Back to Gon and Leorio~
   The two boys spent all day figuring out who their soulmates were. They concluded it they were someone they didn't know, but they were around their ages. They also concluded that their soulmates were guys with slightly feminine voices. Leorio was pretty sure Gon's Soulmate was Killua, so he secretly bought them tickets to the concert coming up in two days. He assumed that his soulmate was a friend of Killua, he just needed to figure out which one.

   Gon went to get them some McDonald's for dinner since they basically skipped lunch. Leorio took his time going through all of the people Killua was following and he saw this cute blonde. He seemed to have sweaters on in most of his pics and his eyes were a beautiful shade of gray, His mid length hair was also a yellowish blonde. 'His name was said to be Kurapika, that's a pretty name.' The dark brunette thought. Leorio secretly hoped this was his soulmate, he felt a small connection between them like they were meant to be or something like that.

   Gon came back with the McDonald's and they started to eat. Leorio told him about his new discoveries and showed him Kurapika's account. "Oh wow, she's pretty" Gon said as he ate some fries. "I'm pretty sure he's a guy" Leorio said back. "Oh" Gon said. "Also, I bought tickets to Killua's concert to see for sure if you two are soulmates." Leorio said quickly. Gon looked at Leorio in disbelief, but then he just rolled his eyes and went back to eating his nuggets.

   When they were done, they did a bit of cleaning and decided it was about time to settle down for the night. They both weren't tired though so they scrolled on Twitter and any other social media to look for clues. Gon heard singing suddenly and told Leorio. Leorio took notes on his small notepad he brings around. His soulmate was singing on of his favorite songs so he stayed quiet and listened with a dreamy smile on his face. "Hey Gon! Don't go to dreamland yet." Leorio said while side eyeing Gon. "I'm nottt!" Gon said back while sticking his tongue out. The song stopped and there was silence again.

   It was Leorios turn to hear singing. At first it sounded like he was just plainly singing, but then his voice got husky during the French part. 'AWOOGA' Leorio thought, his face red. "Who's the one in dreamland now?" Gon laughed. Leorio rolled his eyes and said "Oh shut it Gon".

   Leorio and Gon decided they had enough excitement for today and went to bed. They decided to sleep on the opposite sides of Gon's bed since his bed was really big. Gon drifted to sleep first and Leorio fell asleep soon after.

Author's note: this chapter is hella long so enjoy:)

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