Wanna Hang Out?

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Hello there um if your actually reading this thank you I did not think anyone would actually read this but um I have a few notes before the story so i'm here's how it's gonna be formatted: when someone talks it will be in bold when someone thinks it will be in italics and uh pov will be bold and underlined but that's kind implied anywaysssss This is a modernized thingy so they all go to the same school and they have phones and stuff also some of the characters aren't in this because I don't really know how to incorporate them but if you have ideas on how to incorporate message me and uhhhh yeah hope you enjoy this weird ass story :)

Zuko's POV
It was morning and time for school to start. I sighed as my alarm went off and I got up to get ready. I grabbed a change of clothes and went to take a quick shower, when I got out I saw Uncle Iroh who had prepared tea for me to drink before heading off to school. "Goodmorning Zuko here's some tea I thought it would be a good idea for you to have this before school since you always rush off in a hurry" he said with his usual smile on his face. "I don't have time for that Uncle, I'm going to be late" I grumbled. He sighed. He looked like he was about to say something but i stormed out of the house and rushed to school. I arrived and saw Aang and Katara sitting alone. They waved hello, I waved back. It still feels weird being friends with them after basically trying to kill them. I looked and saw Sokka sitting alone so i walked over and sat next to him. "Hey" I said "Hey Zuko how's i going?" before I had the chance to respond he continued "I learned this really awesome new trick with my sword wanna see?" he said energetic as usual. "uhhh... sure" his eyes lit up as he heard my response but then the bell rang for us to go inside. He frowned but started heading in "Maybe next time?" he looked at me and motioned for me to walk faster, I was kinda dragging. "Yeah next time" he gave me a goofy smile and we entered the classroom.

No One's POV
They both walked in and sat down in their seats, Sokka by Katara and Zuko by Aang. (I don't know why ok they just can't be by each other yet)

~time skip to lunch~
(ugh i'm lazy)

Everyone walks out of the classroom and heads to the lunch area. Zuko sat next to Toph who was by Katara, Aang and Sokka sat in front of them. Toph and Sokka trailed off in a weird conversation no one was paying attention to while Katara and Aang discussed waterbending properties. Zuko sat in silence, he didn't feel awkward though he was comfortable. He was eating when Sokka noticed him kinda isolated.

Sokka's POV
Zuko doesn't talk much at lunch just the occasional answer when someone asks him a question, other than that nothing much. I don't really know what to do though especially not right now. We don't really hang out much. "Hey Zuko wanna hang after school?" he looked at me confused, as if I was talking to the wrong person. He thought for a moment "Sure" he said simply and then just continued eating his lunch. I smiled at him he sorta smiled back awkwardly and confused. This will be fun, I might learn more about Zuko this way.

~time skip.. again.. sorry~

Zuko's POV
After school Sokka ran up to me and energetically tapped me on the shoulder "So what do you wanna do since we're hanging out? Oh my gosh! we need a bro nickname thingy.. hmmmmmm... how about.. the BOOMSWISH DUDES" I was confused, was he actually serious? "How did you even come up with that?" "Well Boom because like FIRE POW SWOOSH EXPLODE BOOM" I really couldn't tell if he was joking or serious. Knowing him he was probably serious I knew there was more because he still hadn't explained the Swish part of the name. "and then.. SWISH BECAUSE MY SWORD IS FAST AND YOU CANT SEE IT COMING AND UH MY BOOMERANG GOES POOF! POW! WHAM!" I just blankly stared at him while he bursted out in his usual fit of laughter. Typical Sokka. Toph heard the whole conversation, she walked up to us and said "Sokka you been hitting the Cactus Juice again?" (I had to do that okay!? deal with it lmfao) He pouted and replied "I'm serious here Toph! The name is flawless! What do you think Zuko!?" He pointed at me eagerly waiting for a response. To be honest it was kinda dumb but for some reason I liked it. "It's great Sokka now let's go hang out now I guess" he started jumping up and down yelling enthusiastically. "YESSSSS THE BOOMSWISH DUDES HANGING OUT WHOOOOO" I didn't really understand his excitement all that much but he seemed happy so i really didn't mind it all that much.

Sokka's POV
I can't believe Zuko actually agreed to hanging out with me. And he also said he like the nickname I made!? What's going on no one ever thinks anything I say is funny and they don't really like my nicknames, I do have to admit they are a little dumb but I like them. Wait where are we going right now ummmm. "Ummm Zuko where are we going?" he looked shocked and confused "I thought you knew!" he said, facepalming. "Well we can just go to a coffee shop or something, I'm not really sure what kinds of places you like to go to" I shrugged. "I'm cool with anything let's do that" I nodded and we headed to the nearest coffee shop. We sat down and I wondered Is he a coffee or tea person? I don't know why I wanna know I just do. Oh well I'll just ask. "are you a coffee or tea person?" "huh?" he said confused "do you like coffee or tea better?" he thought for a moment "Well my Uncle really likes tea so I'm used to having a it a lot, I do like it but I think I like coffee better" he stated plainly. I wanted to create a fun atmosphere but didn't know how aaaand of course I said the first dumb thing that popped into my brain "You think? Ha! you don't even know what kind of drink you like better" I teased while laughing my usual amount of laughter which was always just right to fit the situation. I couldn't tell but i think i saw the slightest smile on his face, if it was there it disappeared quickly. "I'm an indecisive person what can i say" he shrugged and I smiled.

Zuko's POV
Me and Sokka were chatting for a while, he's really fun to be around I wish I would've known before we could've hung out more. He and I have a lot of similar interest too which I would have never expected but I was glad to have him since I didn't ever really feel like I had much of a place in the group, now I have Sokka to look forward to. I didn't notice but a small smile was plastered across my face, of course Sokka did notice "Oh my gosh Zuko your smiling?? Woah never seen that before ha!" He was so amused by this. I was slightly embarrassed. "So? Ugh shut up Sokka" he laughed "What made u smile in the first place" he questioned. "Well.. I've never really had a friend before, it feels nice to have someone. I'm happy we got to talk because now I have you instead of feeling alone with the group" He blushed and smiled "I'm happy too" We just stared at each other smiling for a little while, it felt weird at first.. but then it just felt natural. Sokka's eyes are really pretty.. I never noticed. And his smile is cute. What am I thinking??? I've never thought that about anyone before. This is weird

Authors Note~
I might try to update one chapter a day also this chapter may have been boring but it's gonna get better it's just hard starting stories I'm very empty headed lol anyways if you have any questions let me know and peace til next chapter (p.s. sorry if there's grammar or spelling mistakes oops)
1434 words (I didn't even know I was writing this much lol)

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