The Bracelet

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keep in mind this specific story about the bracelet actually happened and uh.... hope that makes u appreciate this lol

~time skip from previous chapter to idk like a few weeks later?~

No One's POV
After hanging out quite a bit Sokka and Zuko became very attached to each other, they never left each other's side. Everyone thought it was weird how they became so close after hanging out for just a few weeks but they felt closer to each other than they ever had to anyone else. After one of their classes Sokka ran up to Zuko with his hands behind his back. "Hey uh Zuko.. I uh made something for you" he said, taking his hands out from behind his back and revealing a simple bracelet that, as he said, he made. "I-it's not much but I wanted to give you something.. a-also I know boys don't really wear bracelets but I don't know how to make anything else and I made it basic so you can't really tell..." he was obviously nervous Zuko wouldn't like it. "Sokka.. Thank You." Sokka looked confused it was only a bracelet of course. "No ones ever given me anything before especially not something they made just for me" Zuko said, smiling softly. "You really like it?" Sokka blushed lightly. "Yeah" Zuko held out his arm towards Sokka implying he wanted him to put the bracelet on him. The small touch of Sokka's hand to Zuko's wrist made him blush as well.

Zuko's POV
I can't believe Sokka made me a bracelet. He's so sweet and that's not normally a word I would just throw around for no reason. It just feels special because it came from someone I care about. We started to head back to class because one of the teachers called a class meeting (idk who to make the teachers cuz like who would that be?) not sure for what. When we got inside, the teacher told us to sit down so we all did. (I'm not gonna talk for a teacher who doesn't have a name so we gonna just have zuko say what he said) The teacher informed us that we'd be going on a school day-trip (a fucking field trip but they ain't gonna call it that) Sokka looked excited I have absolutely no idea why but I guess it doesn't matter. We were going tomorrow to a museum of the 4 nations exhibit. Honestly that seems decently cool so I can share some of Sokka's excitement. When class was over me and Sokka left school together. "The field trip sounds fun am I right?" Sokka said jokingly.. I think. "yeah sure you do seem excited" he started to act a little shy when i mentioned his excitement. "Well... I was wondering if we could maybe.. stick together like at the museum since we usually go in partners. I-if you want of course!" now i get why he was excited. "Of course. I mean I thought it was already implied we were going to be partners." he smiled. "Well I have to go home Katara's making me clean up all the things i broke practicing my manly skills of fighting, boomeranging, and sword fighting." He made muscles with his arms and chuckled. He then waved bye, I waved back. Why does he always have to do such adorable things like that. It makes me more attached to him than I already am.

~time skip to the next day~

Sokka's POV
Me and Katara were walking to school when she noticed me acting weird. "What are you thinking about Sokka. Or should i say Who." she smirked and I blushed. "W-What!? W-Why would y-you say that Katara?" she giggled. "I was only kidding, at least until I heard that response." I sighed knowing it was probably impossible to hide anything from her, she is my sister of course. "Zuko right?" she snapped me out of my thoughts for a second. "h-huh?" "The person your thinking about is Zuko right?" she questioned. I looked down and fidgeted with my fingers "yeah. it's Zuko" She didn't look weirded out or confused or shocked or anything she simply said "Ok" and neither of us said a thing all the way to school. When we arrived I saw Zuko and immediately went to him. "Your late" he said lightly shoving my shoulder. "Oopsie?" I shrugged then giggled. We both just chatted about random things until the bus arrived. When it arrived he got on first and headed straight towards the back. He sat in the window seat and I sat right next to him. When the bus driver started moving he leaned his head back on the seat and stared out the window. I layed my head on his shoulder, I don't think he noticed. We sat the whole way in comfortable silence. When we arrived at the museum he snapped out of his daze and looked over to see my head on his shoulder I could see a blush spread across his cheeks all the way to his ears. He's so cute when he's flustered. The blush faded when we both had to get up to get off the bus. We walked into the museum with our class and everyone got with their partners and started to explore. "Which nation do you want to look at first" he asked me "umm I wanna see the water tribe even though i'm already an expert!" I claimed, he laughed. "to the water tribe we go then" we started walking there. Once we got there I looked down at Zuko's hand and noticed he was wearing the bracelet I made for him. I lifted his arm and started to play with his bracelet. I really want to hold his hand now for some reason. I feel like it'll be weird if I just do it out of no where though. Maybe if I play with his bracelet it can kinda give subtle hints to him? we'll see.

Zuko's POV
I felt Sokka playing with the bracelet he gave me. His hands kept brushing over my palms. Oh i see. He wants to hold my hand. "I-if you wanna hold hands just do it.." he blushed. "you sure?" I nodded. He then grabbed my hand and held it softly I held on a little tighter than he did after a few seconds which made him tighten his grip as well. We walked around the whole place without letting go of each other's hand. Once we headed out to leave everyone saw us holding hands. We didn't really care, I did notice Katara smile at Sokka and him smile back. He must've said something about me to her. I can't believe he talks about me to his sister. It made me happy to know he liked me that much. We got back on the bus and sat in the same spots as before still holding hands. He intertwined out fingers and then layed his head on my shoulder like before except this time I layed my head on top of his and we fell asleep the way back to school.

Author's Note~
this is the cheesiest thing in the world and sadly this is the exact thing that happened so my life is cheesy and um the person that I did this with and I have both realized we were living in an anime so yeahhhh
1250 words 😗✌️ (ya'll better tell me if u see typos so i can fix them)

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