Why Her?

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things are about to get real interesting y'all so get ready and also uh don't judge the events going on or uh yeah i'm confusing myself right now so i'm just gonna let y'all read then put my note at the end.

~the next day~

Sokka's POV
I know I should be over this right now but i'm not. Ever since I let go of Zuko's hand it's felt cold. Maybe I'm over exaggerating but I don't care. I think I really like him. Like, Like him.. He probably doesn't feel the same way though so I should just get over it. "What's the face for Sokka?" Katara questioned. "What? What face?" she sighed "The sad/regret sorta look" I raised my eyebrow "ok first of all what would I have to regret and also I have no reason to be sad" she rolled her eyes "fine. don't tell me then. you'll tell me sooner or later" I knew that was true so I just didn't say anything. We walked to school in an awkward silence. Once at school I saw Zuko and immediately ran to him. "hey zuko!" "hi sokka" I sat down next to him on the ground of the tree he was under. "So I was wondering if you wanted to come eat lunch here later instead of with the gang" I asked. "sure, one question though" "yeah?" "what made you want to sit here" suddenly I blushed realizing it might've sounded weird to him. "o-oh I just thought we could sit alone because I think of you as a best friend i don't know if you feel the same way about me I just wanted to be isolated sorry this is weird i-" he cuts me off. Ugh why was I ranting "it's okay sokka i get it no need to be embarrassed, we'll sit here at lunch" I nodded and smiled, he smiled back. We got up and went to class and sat next to each other. Basically the whole class we were just laughing at random inside jokes and things we found funny that were probably stupid to anyone else but us. Is this what it feels like for Katara and Aang. They love each other right so maybe I can ask Katara what I should do, or even Aang.
~after class~
It was lunch time and me and Zuko started to head over to the tree to sit. "Oh hold on I forgot to put my homework away, you go on ahead I'll be right there" I nodded and he ran off back to the classroom.

Zuko's POV
When I got inside the classroom I saw Mai. She noticed me and started walking over. "Hey Zuko where were you and Sokka going" She asked staring into my eyes. Not gonna lie it was creepy. "Oh, we were just going to eat lunch over there instead of with everyone else." she didn't respond for a moment. Just stood there. "Oh cool." she started moving really close to me. She put her arms around my neck. It was really uncomfortable. "I have a question" she started playing with my hair a bit "y-yeah?" I tried to back up but she only got closer. "can you tutor me after school I'm having trouble with some classes and your a straight A student" she then let go and stood a normal distance from me "um sure.. where should we meet. and what time?" she fiddled with her fingers "well actually.. I was hoping we could walk together after school just to the park and do it there if that's okay with you" I just wanted the conversation to be over. Sokka's been waiting a while, I don't want him to think I left him there. "um.. sure" she smiled "great. meet you by the school entrance at the end of the day?" I nodded. The bell rang. Oh shit I hope Sokka's still there I feel really bad. "I gotta go Mai. see you after school." she waved and I ran out.

Sokka's POV
Where's Zuko? He said he was just going to put his homework away but it's been almost 20 minutes and class isn't far from this tree. What if he isn't coming. What if he doesn't want to sit with me. What if the only reason he talks to me is because he felt lonely and he doesn't actually like me at all. What if  he found someone else he'd rather hang out with. I felt myself begin to tear up. I hid my face in my hands. Katara was walking by and she noticed me. "Sokka..." she ran towards me and hugged me. I leaned my head on her shoulder. "What happened." I sobbed and began to explain everything to her. She tried calming me down. "I'm sure he had a good reason for not showing up." "O-oh yeah like w-what" she thought for a moment "..like maybe he got.. lost? look i don't know but when you see him later you should ask him ok?" she said and smiled "o-okay" I wiped my tears away and got up along with Katara. "good now let's get to class" I nodded and me and her walked together. (i should note that him and Zuko don't have any classes together after lunch)

No One's POV
Zuko rushed to the tree Sokka and him were supposed to go to but by the time he got there, Sokka was gone. He felt awful for leaving him there. He didn't mean to. He knew he most likely wouldn't see Sokka again that day so he decided he'd explain everything to Sokka tomorrrow. He headed to his class and Mai sat next to him and class started. Meanwhile Sokka was sitting with Katara, Aang, and Toph. They were all working on homework together. Sokka just sat there in his thoughts which were no doubt 100% related to Zuko. He just couldn't think of a valid reason as to why Zuko would leave him hanging like that. He decided to just let it go and to try finding Zuko after class.
~after class~
Zuko walked to where he said he'd meet Mai and waited for her. She was late for no apparent reason. Sokka was a little bit further from the area so he headed over and would arrive a little sooner. Once he was near he spotted Zuko and started heading over to him. At that moment he noticed Mai running up to him. She grabbed his arm and they walked away together. Sokka stopped, tearing up again. 'why her?' he thought.

authors note
yes I'm a demon and I left you hanging like that. Um so you get to deal with this and wait until I release the next chapter to find out what happens next it'll probably be soon i do one a night if i can and if not i do every other day
1163 words ^^

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