Chapter 3

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Clara glared at the Doctor, and he shied away from her pointed gaze. She stomped off, walking along the cliffs. "Clara?! Where are you going?" The Doctor called after her. She was already quite a ways away.

"Home!" Clara huffed, not looking back.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting back that way," the Doctor grumbled.

This seemed to get a rise out of her. Clara turned, arms crossed angrily about her chest. "No, I don't suppose I will be getting back that way and it's all because someone-" her voice rose "-dropped the key!!"

"Don't you have your key?" He asked, obviously confused.

"No, Doctor, I don't have my key because you kidnapped me!" Clara strode forward, uncrossing her arms to point to angrily at the Doctor. "You grabbed me out of my bed in the middle of the night, so don't try to pin this on me, Doctor." He started to protest that he hadn't actually tried to pin anything on her-he hadn't gotten to that part yet-but she stopped him before he had spoken a single word. Clara took a step forward, their faces centimeters apart. "I ran away, Doctor; from you and your silly little blue box. You asked me what was wrong? Well, now you know."

"No I don't," he said gently. His eyes burned with intensity, and Clara's breath started to quicken. She was suddenly very aware of the Doctor's proximity. His dark green eyes questioned her relentlessly as he said, "Clara, why did you run? Was I really that bad?"

He reached up to brush her cheek. She knocked his hand away, and was surprised to find her cheek damp with tears. She hadn't realized the wetness in her eyes had spilled over. "Doctor, I ran from you, but not because of you." He gave her a look, and she opened her mouth to explain. "I was afraid. So, I ran away." Clara hung her head, ashamed. She didn't want to be known for running from her problems.

"What were you afraid of?" The Doctor's eyes were kind and warm. He grabbed her gently by both her arms, pulling her even closer.

"Losing you." The answer was almost a whisper, but he heard it.

"Clara-" he began. His gaze was sad and rueful.

"No. Don't. Just... don't. There was a pause as they stared deeply into each other's eyes, both searching the other's gaze. Clara pulled away suddenly, and smiled quickly. "Come on; let's go get that key."

"Right. Okay." The Doctor straightened his bowtie and strode after her.

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