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We fight everyday,

With ourselves,

With somebody's elves,

Are all of these fights harmful..??

You'll say no and I may say yes.

We all have our battles, you and I,

We all go through something,

Don't you deny..!!

But why do we fight,

Over all the petty things done,

Or maybe the big explosion,

That is yet to come?

It may save lives,

It may destroy some,

But 'may' being the subject,

Is it right to be done..??

Right and wrong,

Are the two concepts of life.

What I feel right,

You may feel wrong.

But what is important,

The most important of all,

Is at the end of the day,

You and I are merely human beings,

The tiny creations of God,

Who are here, for a day or two,

Or maybe years to surpass it all.

What if we just accept,

Let kindness be default,

And love rule all over..??

Will the Earth,

Be a place of serenity,

Or will it turn to hell,

Where we cannot rest in peace..??

Is peace and love and compassion,

Enough for what we need today..??

Will humanity be always at stake,

For the battles we fight today..??

~ Teesh

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