Chapter Two: An itty bitty scratch

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At the same time Corpse was having his thoughts, Sykkuno was having thoughts of his own.

He had just finished playing with all his friends and it had been a very very good session. He was glad, it seemed like everyone had a lot of fun and new friends were made. It's all he ever wanted.

In his opinion, the point was not to win but to have as much fun as possible. Especially in a game like among us. He was even more glad that his relatively new friend, Mr corpse, seemed to be in the same mind as him. Corpse was a very good player, one of the best imposters sykkuno had the pleasure of playing with, but he also understood that there is no point in playing if you don't have fun with it.

Sykkuno really liked that about the other man. In the short time they had known each other sykkuno liked to think they were quite good friends. At least he thought so. He wasn't sure on corpse's side.

Sykkuno stood up and did a big long yawn inducing stretch. If he had been  any taller he would have reached the ceiling.

His phone buzzed on the desk. It was a text from corpse Corpse.

MR CORPSE: Today was a really fun.

Sykkuno: Yeah it was...are you playing tommorrow as well?

Mr corpse: No, got a hospital visit tommorrow. So will be MIA the whole day.

Sykkuno: Ohhh. Is everything okay?? Sykkuno had a stab of sharp worry in the pit of his stomach. He knew just how many health issues the other man had.

It took a few moments before Corpse replied.

Corpse: No No. Nothing bad, just a check up for my health issues. Only problem is I bet I'll be in there hours waiting. Only so many reddit threads you can read before you're bored of it

Sykkuno: oh that's a relief. Got me worried for a second there. Well I'll be steaming in the evening soo...if you did want someone to talk could always message me. Or call me.

Again another pause. Sykkuno did wonder what Corpse was thinking.

Corpse: That would be nice actually. I've never actually had someone to talk to when I've gone to these appointments, so yeah...that would be nice. You know you're the first person to ever offer that. Thank you.

Sykkuno felt a burst of pleasure through him, as well as a pang of worry. Corpse really had no one in his personal life to come with him as moral support? What if his anxiety got really bad? Would he have to drive home by himself? Or maybe he lived close to the doctor and could walk. But that's still just as bad.

Sykkuno: oh well that is their lost for missing out on great conversation with you!! Not that you have to, if you don't feel like talking to anyone I understand, but if you feel like it I'm available :-).

Corpse: Thanks ^_^ I really appreciate it. Well it's pretty late now so I bet you'll be heading to bed soon.

Sykkuno: wow look at the time. I didn't realise how late it was! Yeah it's bed time for me. What about you?

Sykkuno asked this with a hint of hesitation. He knew how fudged up corpse's sleep was, especially at the moment.

Corpse:... Ah well, I've got a some work to finish up and then I might put my head down for a bit. We'll see.

Sykkuno wasn't sure how to respond to that. He never wanted to say the wrong thing and make someone else uncomfortable, especially Corpse. So he went simple.

Sykkuno: well whenever you go to bed I hope you have sweet dreams!

Corpse: awww you too. Goodnight, talk to you later.

Sykkuno: goodnight X

Sykkuno hesitated on the sent for what seemed an eternity but was in reality about 10 seconds. A X between friends is alright right? Not to much, he hoped. He deleted it and then retyped it. Message sent. Too late now.

Another seemingly long pause.

Corpse: Xx

Authors note
Thank you for patience with this chapter, a lot is happening in the UK at the mo and work on top of that has been a bit manic. Plus happy christmas! And new year! Hope you had a lovely time!
The next chapter I've already started but I'm really not sure how long it'll take me to finish. Hopefully in a few days if I can. Sorry for the wait.

A dead man's jelly beanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz