17: High on Baby Snuggles

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*** Reese's POV ***

My emotions are all over the damn place. Between my own discovery and Lila going into labor, I was running high on emotion as it was. Ash arrived at the hospital and didn't let on that he was peeved, but I knew I was going to get scolded.

He waited until Lila was a few hours in with little progress. Nathan suggested we head home and that he would call when there was news. He said there was no reason for there to be two uncomfortable pregnant women waiting around all night.

Ash stood, but I said in a small voice, "I'd actually like to stay."

Nathan and Ash exchanged a look I had seen before. A look that said, "Good luck with your stubborn-ass wife." Nathan left and we didn't see him again until he announced his son's arrival the next morning.

Ash insisted we at least get some food before the hospital cafeteria closed down and I was quite hungry, so I agreed. When I was all settled in with my burger, fries, and ice cream sundae which, of course needed to be consumed first, he launched his attack.

"So, what the hell happened today?" He asked, fixing his sharp blue eyes on me.

I paused mid-bite and met his eyes, the ice cream melting quickly and dripping back into the cup because of the hot fudge. His eyes wore the concern I knew he was feeling, but I needed a moment to collect my thoughts, so I shoved my spoon in my mouth.

He sighed and tried to hide his smile as he wiped chocolate syrup from my chin. "I'll wait until you feed the little bit."

It was cruel, but I took my time. I was still undecided about telling him about the sex. Finally, I was scrapping the bottom of the cup. He raised his eyebrows. "I think it's gone, Reese."

"But it was so good." I commented. He looked at me expectantly. I sighed. "I just felt funny at work. We were on-site and I couldn't make it through the meeting, so I stepped out. Jordan offered to drive or call you. I told him I was fine, and I did try to call. Once."

"Baby, if you needed me you should have called the brewery directly or..." Ash suggested.

"But I know you're busy brewing for competition. I didn't want to bother you." I interrupted. He gave me a look. "And it wasn't anything severe. Just discomfort."

"And everything is fine?" He asked, the concern still lingering.

"Yes, Ash. I would have called. The doctor wants me to follow-up, but she showed me what's happening to my body as this baby grows. It's both amazing and terrifying." I commented.

"I wish I could take some of the discomfort away." He replied.

"You're sweet." I said reaching across the table for his hands. He took my one hand in both of his and brought it up to his lips.

"You, the baby, and the brewery are my life." He assured me.

"And Lupa?"

He chuckled. "Of course, Lupa too."

"In that order?" I challenged. He laughed at me and told me to eat the rest of my dinner. I decided to float the idea of learning the sex at my next appointment. "So, what are your thoughts about finding out the baby's sex?"

He furrowed his brow. "What? I thought..."

"I was just thinking it over and..."

"No." He stated without explanation.

"No?" I asked, a little stunned by his rapid response.

"No. We agreed we wanted a surprise. We know that knowing the sex triggers all kinds of stereotyping and we wanted to avoid the hype. You're the one who convinced me of that. Where's this coming from?"

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