48: Change and Stability

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*** Sean's POV ***

Traveling with a toddler and a temperamental teen is no joke. Seriously.

We wake up on Wednesday to Nora's giggle from the bathroom where she is testing the ability of different types of candy that she had gotten into to float...in the toilet. Potty training has increased her interest in the toilet. I chuckle, scoop her up, and wash her sticky hands.

We both watch curiously as I push the handle and the candy swirls in a colorful display before going down. Now comes the tough part of explaining to her why that wasn't a good idea. I love watching her explore and learn about the world through her actions, but I suck when it comes to saying no.

"What did she get into?" Helena asks, stretched out in bed and looking so damn inviting even though she is fully clothed.

"Candyland meets Waterworld." I retort.

She rolls her gorgeous aqua-colored eyes and laughs. "Oh Nori, what are we going to do with you? We are lucky Daddy is a plumber, huh?"

Gale groans from the other bed. "Why are you be-ing so loud?"

"Because it's time to get up and get ready for another day of fun." She prods Gale, throwing a pillow at the lump he forms in bed.

"Stop it, Hel." He grunts.

"You get to meet Luis's better half today." Helena says.

"Great. He will be even more dis-tract-ed." Gale pouts, throwing the covers back.

I take Nora over to the window and leave Helena to deal with Gale's mood. He isn't happy with Luis, but I'm actually proud of the changes I see in Luis. He's not acting like a teen's buddy. He's stepping up and becoming a family man. It's a big change and I for one am eager to meet the woman who prompted this shift in him.

I hear Helena talking softly to Gale. "Just because he made room in his heart for Brianna and Nevaeh, doesn't mean he loves you any less, buddy. In fact, you might find that if you are nice and welcoming to them that they too might end up caring about you too."

"Why would they do that?" He asks.

"Because you're important to Luis. Do you think things would have worked between me and Sean if I didn't accept Nora or if he didn't accept you?" Helena provides him with perspective.

He thinks for a minute then agrees. "You're right. I just miss him."

"I know, but that means you need to make the most of your visits." She replies.

"I will start. I am go-ing to show-er." He says, smiling at her. She kisses his forehead.

I wait until he has gone to the bathroom before I flip on the TV, find some cartoons, and park Nora in the middle of the bed.

I coax Helena back to our bed and we cuddle together. "You amaze me the way you are able to recenter him."

"It's gotten tougher as he has gotten older." She acknowledges with a laugh.

"You'll be well-practiced for that one come her teenage years." I joke, hiking a thumb over my shoulder at Nora.

"Un-uh. Teenage girls are not my specialty. That is all you." She retorts. "And Lord help us because you can barely control her now."

We both laugh. I look into her face and am overcome by the idea of us going through major milestones. I kiss her, catching her off-guard. After a moment, she nudges me back softly. "Are you trying to start something that you can't deliver on?" She whispers, glancing over my shoulder at Nora.

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