Plot bunnies

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These are some plot bunnies I keep thinking about, but aren't planning to write for a bit. Have them if you want.

The Last Human (Rosario Vampire)
In 1678, monsters finally get the upper hand and manage to to drive humanity to extinction. Except for a branch off that managed to survive in deep subterranean caverns large enough to have surface like ecosystems. Later in 2678, humanity is now a hyper advanced race and prepares to leave to a secretly terraformed Mars. Most of humanity is put into a quantum stasis, while the teenager Tsukune Aono is in charge of documenting the world above for four years before takeoff. Said world above is suffering numerous unexpected setbacks from humanity's extinction and is now looking to somehow revive the fallen race.

When Slaanesh Discovers Yanderes.

Everyone's favorite deity of debauchery discovers ancient terra mangas and decides to play around. An innocent guardsman in the middle of a battle against Chaos is suddenly "blessed" to cause all female intelligent life forms and daemons to become yanderes when near him for too long. It's only worse that Tzneech is entertained enough to arrange fate to ruin every attempt at purging himself.

The Eldar Plague

A particularity mischievous Haemonculus creates a virus that suddenly turns humans into full fledged Eldar after one year. The galaxy is in even more shambles as the Imperium of Mankind faces the worst event since the Horus Heresy.

The Time Warp

A planet that had been frozen in the warp since the Dark Age of Technology finally breaks out. Unlike the rest of the human civilization, it caught the AI corruption early enough to stop and also adjusted to relying less heavily on said AIs and screening for psychic powers and chaos. Now being the most coherent civilization, they proceed to attempt contact with the rest of the galaxy.

Monster Girl Chaos

An anomaly in the barrier around Yokai Academy results in our protagonist Tsukune Aono getting flung into the world of Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

Isha's Champion

The goddess Isha, after much pleading with Nurgle, is able to pick her own champion. Her champion would not only have her ability to heal any injury or disease, but also the ability to send Eldar souls straight to Isha, permanently protecting them from chaos. She, deciding to knock her pointy eared children down a few thousand pegs, chooses a young Imperial Guardsman as her champion. The poor human had no idea he was now the target of every living Aeldari, nor that he would begin showing xeno traits.


A young human in 2009 has a dream about Warhammer40k and ends discovering he's actually a psyker. And that his girlfriend is a past reincarnation of the God Emperor.

Guy out of Time

A young genius is cryofrozen until the 40k millennium and quickly decides to try and change the backwards imperium for the better. He quickly discovers that isn't an easy task. And his only "allies" are a stranded space elf fascinated with him and an ancient AI. Both understand English at least. Oh, and a Soviet/Catholic/Roman/Galactic Empire is after him... followed by actual demons and edge lords who jerk off with barbwire.

The Swap

Shido and Tsukune switch places. Both harems are pissed and seek to fix it.

The Change

The Tyranids decide to harness the power of husbandos and waifus. Rather than combat templates, Tyranids simply make the most preferred spouse for each world and assimilate peacefully. Khorne is less than pleased.

The Stupid Rift

An amusing warp fuck up by the Eldar results in a fully intact STC Fabricator, a fatesword, and an Eldar goddess as a mortal being blasted back into the 2nd Millennium Terra. The only twist is... the Emperor, chaos gods, or even the Eldar do not exist.

Marine Biologists and Pirates

Screwing around with strange artifacts from ancient civilizations with technology almost magical in nature is typically NOT a good idea. The Nektons and Hammerheads learn this when they get blasted into One Piece by a stone carving of a strange fruit.

Tsukune is Confused

A weird spell from Yukari sends Tsukune into an alternate universe where Kokoa is his girlfriend and Moka's older sibling, Yukari is his age, and Yuki Onna are amazons. Oh, and Moka's stepmom Gyokuro wants him as her personal sex toy out of a deranged attempt of revenge against Moka's mom.

Rosario+ Warhammer
Tsukune suddenly awakens the Sacred Gear known as the annihilation maker when attacked by Saizo. Being a Warhammer40k fan, he accidentally creates pure mayhem which may or may not include space elves, chaos gods, nuns with guns, and an extremely angry headmaster.

Ultimate Harem Crossover

Ichika accidentally spills his life story to Tabane. She feels bad, and decides grab male MCs from many franchises, genderbends them, and puts them in IS Academy in love with him at the rate of one a day and refuses to stop no matter what happens . PS, don't give your life story to an eccentric Alice in wonderland cosplaying genius.

Infinite Dragon Maid

Ichika runs into an actual real life dragon. After pulling out a sword, she wants to be his maid. And she doesn't like IS Academy one bit. Not his friends, not his classmates, and especially not his teacher. Expect lots of dragon fire and jealousy.

Elves +Vampire

A new student shows up in Yōkai Academy... and she's an elf! An elven seer to be precise who specializes in creating enchanted items. And she is a massive human fan.

Total Blindness

What if neither Yōkai or humans knew of each other's existence? At least not at large, and Tsukune is taken to a monster academy where humans are considered myths and are in the 1910s.

Remnant's New Enemy

Remnant faces a new level of danger when an Ork Rok lands in Atlas. Turns out orks are good marriage counselors for Ozpin and Salem.

IS and Chaos

Three new girls enter IS and have unusually high compatibility levels with their IS units, which were not created by Tabane. Somehow, the world doesn't care, and for some reason, the girls are dead set on taking Ichika for themselves. The boy in question can't help but notice the strange aura they give off. And how his sister is extremely hostile toward them and outright told him to keep his distance.


Tsukune suffers a near death experience at Kuyo's hand. Yukari, in her extreme desperation to save him and Moka, cast a destabilized teleportation rune. Moka is teleported to safety, while Tsukune ends up in a world of dungeons, monsters, and gods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2021 ⏰

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