Are you lying...?

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I walked into school that day excited to hear about Leo and how his life was with his new stepdad. 'I hope it's better than my home life,' I thought before shaking the thought from my head. I was adopted by an abusive father. And a kind mother. My mother even though she wasn't my birth mother, we were still close. However I watched my adoptive fafter kill her right in front of my young eyes. After she was gone my father started drinking more and getting more abusive. I learned to take the pain and cover it up well. But it didn't take away the really bad pain. I would take Aleve but that didn't work that well. I had my friend Leo we never lied to eachother. We were close like that. He knew of my abuse and had promised not to tell because I made him. If one of us were to lie we would end up caving in we were that close. I had offered to help him move in the other day but got caught up in... all that.
Anyway, today I entered the school. As usual Principle Perry was yelling luckily it wasn't close by as my brain and ears hurt from my beating this morning. I had also fell down the stairs, that was "fun"! Not my sarcasm when I talk about it being fun. It was the opposite of fun it was miserable.
I was by my locker organizing my books. I can be a tomboy but I like to be organized I am wired like that. I am great when it comes to science and technology as well as math. I'm pretty athletic and decently flexible. So, I could be a cheerleader but it's not my style. I honestly don't know my style but I know it's not wearing a really short cheerleader skirt outfit and wearing lipgloss, and giggling over boys.
I saw Leo enter the school while I was applying lip balm to my chapped lips. He had 3 random kids fallowing him. Who seemed to be in awe of our school. Which mad end confused. The tallest one came over to a locker closely mine and tried to help a girl open it but broke it. Which confused me because the school was forced to get new lockers much to our evil principle, Perry's disappointment because she wanted to keep the money being the kind of person she is which is. Like a beast waiting to get let loose in a tiny outfit. The thought caused me to shutter.
I closed my locker and moved to Leo on the other side of the school moving towards the center. He got a wedge by some guy named Steve. I grabbed Steve by the collar and shoved him up against the locker with a lot of strength. I told Trent to stop sending them to do this. After I had shoved him up against a locker to. I hissed at the guy who I would he is collar threatening him. Then let go of him accusing him to fall in the floor not to hard, I'm not a monster. Steve nodded and ran. Leo ran up and pulled me over to the kids around our age.
"Liz meet Adam, Bree, and Chase they are my step siblings. Adam, Bree, Chase meets my best friend Elizabeth," I elbowed him in the stomach giving him a glare. "I mean Liz". I waved he told me they were homeschooled. But I could tell he was hiding something from me. I decided not to push it I would get the secret/truth out of him sooner or later. But I needed to get to class. I started to walk off right before the bell rang. Chase went on the ground spinning around and holding his ears screaming in pain. I heard Bree say something about bionic hearing I would need to look into that later...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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