Entry no. 12: Fire drill

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We had a fire drill.

It was sweltering hot, which was weird considering the fact that it was October.

But you know, weird weather.

Anyways, all the teachers in building C, (English and other languages), escorted us to the outside perimeters of the school. Of course they made sure we were walking in an orderly fashion by handing out detention slips like 100 were printed every second.

But our teacher was cool.

We were all quietly talking amongst each other.

Somehow, we started singing random songs. 

It was cool, but then our teacher joined in and we all kind of stared at each other.

As we were walking back, I was complaining about playing power chords, because I had guitar later in the day.

I think I was known for complaining about things. Yeah, I was definitely know for that. 

Like when I was sick.

I said,"I'm sick, so I can't audition for the solo." (or some other self-involved thing I would've said.)

I'm pretty sure I sounded like a whiny bitch.

I was talking to Payson, but then you said, "Thats unfortunate."

At that time, I didn't know if you were being sarcastic, but now I realize you meant well.

And when I was complaing about soparanos, (I was an Alto, but could sing higher than most sopranos), I had said, "I'm an Alto and I'm proud!"

And you said, "I'm and Alto too."

Then I asked, "You sing?"

Then you said, "No, its my instrument."

Yeah I acted a little stupid around you.

And, most of our conversations were either awkward or way too deep. 

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