Jumping Off Roofs?!?

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[Me]: Yo Ben, you got a dare!!

Ben: *comes out of my phone* What is it?

[Me]: Ahh!! *throws phone across the room before laughing like crazy* I knew you were gonna pop out of somewhere!! *starts laughing like crazy*

Ben: Ow!! What the heck!!

[Me]: That's what you deserve for scaring me you demonic little elf. *still smiling and trying to calm down*

Ben: Any who, what's my dare?

Scarlet_1000: You have to fly off the roof!! *smiles manically*

Ben: What?? No way!!

[Me]: Would you rather jump into the pool?

Ben: I'll jump off the roof o_o

[Me]: Alright!! We need to get things set up for this! *mumbles* I'll need help for this...

•~•~•Le Magical Time Skip•~•~•

[Me]: Alright!! Everything is set up... BEN!!

Ben: *sitting next to me* Owwww.... You know I was right next to you, right?

[Me]: I didn't realize you were next to me until after I yelled your name.... Any who, on with the dare!!

Everyone: *already outside*

Ben: Let's get this done and over with...

[Me]: *hooks Ben up* Alright, you're all set and ready to go!! *magically goes to the others* Is Ben really gonna do this?

Ben: FOR NARNIA!! *jumps off the roof*

[Me]: He actually did it...

Hey guys!! Sorry I took so long to finish this chapter... I've just been busy with school and homework. I couldn't write for the past three weeks because I had a foreign exchange student from Costa Rica staying with me and my family, so I couldn't do that much... anyways, don't forget to post truth and/or dares in the comment section!!

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