Ch 20 🗡️

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"Ready Mihawk?" Ash held onto Mihawk's hand as they stepped closer to the rowboat, one of Shanks crew members was waiting for them to board. "Mihawk where'd you pick up such a babe?"

"It's none of your concern, take us to your leader" Ash was helped into the boat before Mihawk got in himself and waited for the man to push the boat farther into the water so they could get moving. "Goodbye, farewell!" The girl waved to her sisters as she got farther away from them, she would need to find a way to call them later.

"Take care of my sister Mihawk or else I will hunt you down and murder you!" Mihawk looked over to see which girl had threatened him, it was Snow. "Ember said you don't kill" Snow was leaning against Doflamingo's stomach as he rowed them back to his ship but Snow pointed up at him before shouting back at Mihawk.

"Mingo will do the killing for me, right Mingo?" The girl looked up at the man rowing the boat but he only leaned down near her ear and what Mihawk assumed as he whispered something into it since Snow's face started to turn red. He didn't think about it anymore as the rowboat was now beside a much larger ship.

"Long time no see old friend!" Mihawk slowly tilted his head up to lock eyes with Shanks, the headache was already starting to form just looking at him. A rope ladder was thrown down so they could climb on board the vessel, Mihawk allowed Ash to go first as he made sure she didn't fall. He followed once she made it to the top.

"Who are you, little lady?" Just as Mihawk made it to the deck he heard Shanks talking to Ash, he was even trying to kiss the back of her hand. "She's mine back away Shanks!" Ash was pulled behind Mihawk as Shanks held his hands up in defeat. "When'd you get yourself a girlfriend Mihawk?"

"I'm his wife!"

"Wife!?" The whole crew shouted out as they demanded Mihawk to explain. "This is Ash and that's all I'm going to tell you"

"Understandable Mihawk, why don't we drink to your new marriage then?" Shanks was already pouring out two cups of sake as he waited for Mihawk to reply. "You know he's not going to give up until you agree, I don't drink so I'll keep an eye on you" Ash offered Mihawk a reassuring smile as he finally agreed to have a drink with Shanks.

"That's more like it! Everyone, raise your cups to Ash and Mihawk!" Shanks raised his cup as the rest of the crew followed their Captain and raised their own shouting out as they did. "To Ash and Mihawk!"


Sometime Later...

Ash was watching Mihawk sway along the deck and decided it was time for the man to head to bed, so after she asked a sober crew member where they could sleep, they gave her directions and she went off to retrieve her drunk husband. "Come on Mihawk let's go to bed"

"Unhanded me, I'm a married man. My wife will not be happy if she sees you touching me!" Ash was glad Mihawk was such a loyal husband even when drunk but was a little disappointed the man didn't recognize her. "Last time I checked I was your wife, Mihawk"

"Are you sure..." He looked away but when his eyes returned to hers Ash could see his eyes widening slightly. "Ash! Some girl was trying to get me to go to bed with her but it looks like she left!"

"Oh really? Come on Mihawk you drank way too much, and I'm tired" Ash started to drag Mihawk to their quarters as the other men on deck whined their drinking buddy was leaving. Their whines were ignored as Ash disappeared below deck to find their room, it wasn't hard as soon enough she stood in front of a door that had 'Mihawk and Ash' written in a big heart.

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