I love you.

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Liam Thomas POV
As I got too  Brea had already left and I saw heather on the porch. She looked at me and I looked at her and she saw how broken I was. "I told her I loved her a-a and she loved me too but but she was scared and I asked her again and she said she didn't love heather, she doesn't love me" I said in a broken voice and ran too my room I just cried myself too sleep. It was the next morning and I went downstairs, I went too grab my coat and I left.

Brea smiths POV
Ugh I'm such a scaredy cat, how could I do that too him, to myself. I got up from my bed and headed downstairs too see kris on the couch when I saw him he got up from his seat, "Brea" he said putting his hands in his pockets. "Hey" I said lowly. "Can you walk with me real quick" he asked me and I agreed. We started walking. "Kris, I know you probably don't want too hear this but I made a mistake" I said too him stopping. "Okay what happened" he said too me concerned. "Well he told me that he loved me and I I didn't know what too do and he ask me what I was so scared of and I told him I didn't want him too leave me and that I'm scared because I do love him but then he asked me one more time if I loved and and I said no kris, but-but I do I really do and ugh I'm so dumb" I said too kris as I began too cry. "Brea I'll take you there right now if you want me too" he said seriously. "Yes please take me" I said running too his car. We started too drive back and we arrived, "hurry go I'm just going to go home, find him Brea" he said too me "thank you kris" I said then getting out of the car and rushing into the house. "Liam!...Liam?" I shouted his name, "Brea he went on a walk are you-" heather told me but I ran off too find Liam before she said anything else, I started running and I couldn't find but I though about the abandoned bridge and ran there, I saw him sitting on the bridge. "Liam" I said out of breath he looked at me and got up, "Brea I'm sorry I didn't mean too scar-" I cut him off and ran and hugged him, "Liam...I love you" I said too him then kissed him, and he was gentle and passionate. "I love you too" he said back at me.

One year later.
It's been one year and me and Liam still live at the rehap, heather and the other left because they were heathy and better, Lucy visits now and we have a comfort dog. Me and Liam are living the best life and he always assures me that he won't leave me. And for Hannah I still think about her but I moved on and I know she's watching me from above.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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