Chapter 2

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Time never ticked slower than during a shift. Somehow, five hours felt like an eternity. Sprinkles was a mom-and-pop ice cream shop close to home, so the drive was convenient. Aunt Jenny and I lived right outside the big city of New Charon and by no means did we live in what's considered a small town, but the location made it feel barren. We lived a few miles from the nearest anything, and for some reason, the owners decided to open up Sprinkles in the ghost town of Greystone instead of the bustling downtown area.

The afternoon rush - a maximum of four customers within one hour - had come and gone already. It would be unusual for just about anybody else to come in before close, which is why only one person is scheduled at a time. I cleaned the entire parlor, straightened out the picture frames on the pastel blue walls, and even mopped the floors twice.

I sat on the little stool behind the cash register and pulled out my phone. I shifted uncomfortably, adjusting my ridiculous, itchy uniform. It consisted of a cheap and scratchy baby pink polo shirt underneath a red and white pinstripe vest that fit more like a corset. Khakis were the only acceptable option for pants, and to make it worse, a baseball cap that shared the color of the polo. It was patterned with stitched sprinkles, and what made it suck all the more was the stupid fabric cherry hot glued on the very top.

The cap rarely contained all of my curls, and even with my hair tied back in a low bun, a few locks always managed to escape, framing my face. I had tried tucking them in but I learned quickly after that it was just a waste of time and energy. Superglue probably couldn't tame it.

I was halfway through the level on Candy Crush when I got a call from Charlie. "You interrupted my Candy Crush."

Her response was shrill and angry. "Did you see what that slut just posted?!"

"What? Who?"

"What other slut do we know," she shouted.

"Taylor? I haven't seen her post anything."

"She posted a picture in her sexy pirate costume! I wanted to be a sexy pirate!"

I sighed. "Charlie, you also listed off a hundred other costumes you liked. Just go as...what was it? Sexy nurse?"

"Damn her! It's like she has a listening device on me! Ever since elementary school, I could find a pretty rock and she would go out of her way to find a prettier one. I got new sneakers, she would show up the next day in better ones. I got a boyfriend and guess what! She takes him from me two years into our relationship!"

I could somehow hear the redness in Charlotte's face. She was usually gifted with patience, but the only person there was an exception for was Taylor Redding. Taylor's had a vendetta against Charlie since we were kids, the reason still unknown. Because I was Charlie's best friend, I somehow made it onto Taylor's hit list, too.

"I'm sorry to say it, but I hated Jason. I can't stand Taylor either, but don't forget, homewreckers are only a thing when the door is opened for them to be. It's just as much his fault as it is hers."

"I should've opened and shut the door on her stupid plastic face, repeatedly. I should've stepped on his throat, too, right when I found out he was cheating on me," she was calming down after her initial outburst.

It's been months since Charlie ended her relationship. It was rough at first, but over time, she felt better. Occasionally she would get angry over resurfaced memories, but she was quick to get over them as soon as she let them out of her system.

"Now that that's over with," she continued, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon. Since tomorrow's Saturday, you're stuck with me the entire day, so don't make plans."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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