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"Oh, Yeojong. Hi." The man behind the counter smiled warmly.

"Hi Donghwa oppa, is Donghae oppa here?"

"Yes, he's over... There" He pointed at the seat on the corner.

"Thank you" Yeojong smiled before walking to his boyfriend, who's sitting there typing on his laptop. Concentration was written on his face.

Donghae didn't notice her existence at first, as he was still concentrated on his job. It took a while for Donghae to finally look up from his laptop, resting his eyes for a bit.

"Oh, when did you get here?" He asked when he found the woman sitting in front of him, enjoying her drink.

"A while ago. But I didn't want to disturb you, you look really focused."

Donghae's mouth shaped an O. He's tired now, he has been working since he last dropped Yeojong at the dance club yesterday. He has A LOT to do, mostly it's the old works he has to complete. He spent too much time for his girlfriend, either shopping on the mall or just accompany her to.. Literally everywhere and every event she attended. Maybe that's why Heechul wasn't that happy about her.

Donghae shrugged and leaned back on his chair, taking a rest. The window beside him holds a beautiful view of the streets, with the orange and red leaves that have fallen from the tree covering the sidewalks and the street. He always liked this kind of view, the ones we can never find anywhere else, the ones that we couldn't find in the future, the one and only. He's not a big fan of autumn, he is one for the rain. But the beautiful clouded autumn sky, the breeze blowing every single leaf, making them leave their own place. Not to be weird or anything, but Hae felt pitiful for the leaves. The wind forcing them to leave their own home, their own branches that they've lived on for their whole life. Just to end up on the streets, being driven over and walked over. They're beautiful, but they're pitiful. Leaving their own life, yes they're beautiful, so beautiful in fact. They were nothing when they were on the trees, just a common green leaf living on the branches. Must they leave their branch to have some kind of glow up? Maybe that's life.. Leaving the ordinary us in the past, glow up to be the best version of ourselves, even when we were walked over, to show the world that we're not some ordinary shit. Sad, actually. But when did life ever flow easily?

"Why are you staring outside so intensely? Is something wrong?" Yeojong was concerned. Donghae's eyes were piercing through those glasses that they look like they would explode in any second.

"Huh? O-oh.. Nothing. Something just came up to my mind, nothing much."

Yeojong nodded.

"Oh, how was it? Your dance class. I couldn't contact you yesterday."

"Oh, it was great, really. Eunhyuk-ssi was really patient with his students. He also took care of me well, he made sure I didn't get hurt or too tired. I also made some new friends there. It was fun."

Donghae smiled while hearing her words. He was grateful that Eunhyuk really took care of her, he seemed like a really nice guy, despite looking like a cold ass guy at first.

"I'm happy that you finally went back to your old you." Donghae smiled.

She went back to the old Yeojong.. I shouldn't be worried, should I? She only went back to the girl who loves dancing.. Yes.. She did.

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