part 2

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The bright light of the rising sun shun into his eyes as they clenched shut trying to block it out, Ciel pulled the covers over his eyes and relaxed once again until Sebastian started talking. "Good morning my Lord, sleep well? You were out quite quick, almost like a baby." Sebastian spoke as he waited beside the bed for Ciel to sit up, Ciel huffed "im not a baby!" Ciel argued as he sat up rubbing his eyes and yawning, Sebastian tried his best to cover up his smirk with his hand but giggles escaped his lips. "What's so funny to you??" Ciel said cross, Sebastian regained himself. "You may not be a baby but you are.. well a young child.." Sebastian couldn't hold himself back as he almost fell forward in chuckles, Ciel glowed red in the cheeks. "What.. what are you talking about" ciel swung his legs over the edge of the bed, to his shock the bed was a lot further from the ground than he remembered. "WHAT??" he kicked his legs trying to get down, with a small jump he landed on his knees. In shock he saw his much more smaller hands that caught his fall, his eyes widen in disbelief. "AGGHH!" Ciel wailed out as he ran to his mirror, it was true; he was a child.. a young child of just 4 years old. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!!" Ciel yelled out in a panic to his butler, he looked himself up and down. This had to be a dream from having tea so late in the night, he wanted to pinch himself but he knew this felt all to real to be a dream. "It seems the tea I gave you last night seems to of had an effect on you my young.. young.. master.." Sebastian spoke as he walked over to Ciels cupboard looking for clothes that would actually fit the petite boy, Ciel just stood in disbelief. "TURN ME BACK THIS INSTANT" Ciel yelled as he stomped his foot, Sebastian sighed. "My Lord, I will work on it but I honestly have no idea what to do at this moment" Sebastian spoke as he grabbed out Ciels clothing from his Childhood that he had yet to part with at the back of his cupboard in a box, Ciel crossed his arms as Sebastian started to dress his master. "This is a very unusual circumstance, you seem to still hold the memories and abilities you possessed at the age of 13 but you are trapped in a body of a 4 year old. Though you seem to slip into childlike senses in the way you act and speak, truly fascinating." Sebastian spoke as he looked over his master, Ciel still had a blush to his cheeks. "Enough! I'm not an experiment. This is all your fault you idiot!" Ciel cried out as tears seemed to fill the corners of his eyes not letting them slip down his face fighting back such a childish behaviour. "My my watch that tongue, you may be 13 at heart but I don't think it's well mannered to let someone who looks 4 speak in such a manner." Sebastian said cross and slightly raised voice at the young boy, it was just the thing to send this 4.. well 13 year old over the edge as the tears started to fall down and drip from his chin, rubbing his eyes as he stood head down sulking. Sebastian had never seen his master cry in such a way, he couldn't actually remember if he had seen the Lord cry. "My Lord.. there is no need to cry.." Sebastian wouldn't say it now but his plan went better than he thought it would, to teach this boy a lesson. Teach him he is still young and doesn't need to act grown all the time, though he didn't know the cure yet he was going to enjoy this. He kneeled down and patted the lords shoulder "hush now my young master, perhaps some breakfast will cheer you up?" Sebastian spoke as he smiled, Ciel wiped his eyes as he cut out of the childlike behavior. It seems he was going in and out of ages, his body and mind are muffled witconfusion and can't seem to make up it's mind. "Fine.." Ciel spoke as he finally looked up at his butler, Sebastian got up and lead the way. Ciel couldn't believe such thing could of happened, Sebastian making such a silly mistake. Right now he didn't want to argue, he was starving as he followed his butler to the dining room.

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