part 3

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As they made their way to the dining room Ciel rubbed his eyes and yawned, it was a long way and his tiny feet were getting tired but they finally made it. Ciel made his way to the table only to end up in a blushing mess, surely he could get up on the chair. As he stood in front of it the chair reached just at his belly button. "My Lord would you like some assistance?" He wanted to chuckle badly but he resisted not wanting to make his Lord any more red in the cheeks, Ciel shook his head as he just managed to wiggle his way up onto the chair using all the strength he had just to prove that though he was little he was still capable. He sat, his eyes just beaming over the edge of the table, Ciel huffed this wasn't going to do he couldn't eat like this. "I will be back my young lord" Sebastian hummed as he left the dining room, he came back with a pillow to place under the master. "This shall do for now" he sighed as he slipped the pillow underneath Ciel, thankfully it was just enough for his whole face to be visible over the table. Ciels tummy grumbled as he pouted, Sebastian smiled. "Not to worry my lord" he spoke as he flashed before the young earls eyes and returned just as quick. "For breakfast today we have a scrambled egg with a side of bacon and to top it off some apple juice" Ciel knew the meal was childish but in all honesty he couldn't be happier for something more simple on the taste buds, Sebastian poured the master a cup full of Apple juice. Watching the smooth liquid fall into the cup made Ciel remember a small urge that had formed in his lower tummy last night, he clenched his one eye shut waiting for the sound to stop. Once the cup was full Ciel sighed and relaxed again. Sebastian placed a knife and fork in the boys tiny hands, they felt heavy as he reached up trying to cut his food but they just kept slipping out his hands and certainly weren't cutting his food up. He was starving as he grew cross and threw the cutlery on the table, he reached up with his hands and grabbed some bacon. Sebastian could only sigh and smack the boys hand making his drop the bacon to comfort his hand, Ciel pouted and held his hand close to his chest not daring to look his butler in the eyes. "Master I cannot allow you to do such a thing, I'm sorry if I upset you but I will help not to worry" Sebastian spoke kindly as he pulled out a napkin to wipe the earls hand, he held his hand out shaking as he still looked down. Sebastian wiped it clean and grabbed the knife and fork to cut it up, finally Ciel could eat as he held the fork with both hands and ate satisfied as his feet swung happily. For a hungry boy he didn't end up eating much before he complained his tummy was full, he looked at his apple juice but couldn't reach. "Help..." he whispered as he held up both hands for the cup, Sebastian put the cup in the young lords hands and smiled. Ciel gripped the cup tightly as he jugged the drink, once he was finished he handed the cup back. "Today's schedule?" Ciel wiped his mouth with his hand, Sebastian nodded "Today you had a meeting with one of the dock keepers to talk about the toy handling storage but I suppose I can cancel it today, on the other hand you have some Latin poem translating and this afternoon you have an art class in still work portraits" Ciel nodded and jumped down off the chair again needing his hands to catch his fall, once standing he felt his bladder tingle he wanted to squirm but knew all too well how childish that was. Normally he would just excuse himself but an overwhelming shyness was blocking his path right now as he fiddled with his hands looking down, Sebastian cleaned the table up. Telling the master not to move from the dining room which Ciel obeyed, his maids were under strict orders not to leave the kitchen today or disturb the master. Once Sebastian arrived back he started to walk Ciel to his study, Ciel without noticing grabbed his butlers hand out of instinct. Sebastian stopped walking and looked down making Ciel realise, "ah." Ciel pulled his hand away and crossed his arms as he blushed. Sebastian just smiled and continued to lead the way as Ciel tried to keep up, by time they got to the study Ciels bladder was becoming full from this morning's beverage. It could wait as he got up on the chair luckily this desk was shorter as it was customised for Ciel at 10 years old and it sat at his shoulders, Sebastian piled three books up in front of the Lord "in each book I want you to go to page 42 and translate the second poem down" Ciel just sighed and nodded as he opened the first book, he really tried but most the words looked jumbled, he couldn't read the Latin at all. He pouted and looked up at his butler, Sebastian looked down. "The matter my Lord?" He spoke confused "I.. i can'" Ciel loved to read which made his visible eye glisten, he shut the book. "Oh my, I seemed to not account for the disadvantages you might have that's my mistake Lord." He picked up a book and read it to him in English meaning the Lord just had to write it down as best he could, after a few poems he started to wiggle in his seat but he didn't really notice how obvious it was as Sebastian stopped reading to watch. "My Lord, what are you trying to achieve?" Sebastian asked concerned, Ciel sunk in his seat letting the table hide his face. "Nothing.." He blushed rubbing his eye in embarrassment, Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "You're certain?" Ciel nodded "Certain" Sebastian brushed it off as he continued to read out loud, Ciel was growing frustrated and tired of all the writing as he threw his pencil on the desk. "NO more" Ciel pouted, Sebastian felt pity for the boy as he knew just how agitated the boy had grown. "As you wish my Lord, that's enough for today. Would you like to retire to your room for a bit, my Lord?" Ciel nodded as he went to jump down but instead Sebastian grabbed him under the arms and placed him gently down, Ciel didn't mind as it saved his hands from getting hurt. The tired boy yawned and rubbed his eyes, a nap wouldn't hurt as his tiny body grew more exhausted than usually. Sebastian once again lead the way, Ciel following as he held the front of his pants tightly as he walked tiredly. Sebastian looked back with a glance as he turned back again from seeing his young master gripping the front of his pants, Ciel yawned as Sebastian grabbed the boys hand and pulled him along. Ciel blushed "let go of me!" He spoke aggressively, Sebastian wanted to roll his eyes into the back of his head. "You seem to have a much more pressing matter than rest right now my Lord, honestly why didn't you excuse yourself" Ciels face grew angry with a red blush looming, Ciel tried to pull his hand out of his butlers but couldn't as he just accepted defeat. " Well then? No answer my Lord?" Sebastian shook his head and sighed, as they reached the bathroom Ciel walked in and pushed his butler out to get some privacy and locked the door, he made his way over to the toilet. He looked down, his pants had a pretty lace string to hold them up but sure enough it was tied too difficulty to be undone by just him alone, he didn't want to ask for help but he really had no choice as he walked over to unlock the door Sebastian was gone. Ciel pouted, his pressing urge could wait till later as he went off to his room to where he found his butler folding clothes from the box to bring them forward in the cupboard. Ciel rubbed his eyes and laid his head on the side of the bed, Sebastian picked the tired boy and laid him down on his pillow and took his shoes off. He covered up the sleeping boy and left him to get some rest as he continued to fold the clothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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